Do You Know Any Nail Fungus Treatment

By Reena Santana

Over the counter nail fungus treatment usually consists of oils, creams or lotions that are applied topically to the infected nail. Because nails are very thick and resistant to the penetration of these substances, these treatments do not tend to work very well, especially as toenail fungus treatment - they simply do not reach the fungus where it is growing under the nail.

Toenails however, develop fungus infections more than fingernails due to the fact that shoes and socks provide a favorable condition for them to survive.

A nail that is infected with fungus is typically thickened, and becomes yellow or brown. It may be crumbly, and it may lift away from the nail bed (the soft tender tissue under the nail). A proper diagnosis is important and can save you money, so see your physician.

Almost any person can contact to fungus infection, but certain people are more vulnerable to the condition than others. The Elderly: The older one gets, the lower the immunity and thus they become more susceptible to the condition. Various Sporting Activities: People who engage in running activities risk a higher chance of contracting nail fungus due to sweating a lot on their feet. Swimmers have a higher chance of contracting nail fungus infection, since fungus like to live in dump moist and warm areas and are therefore very common around swimming pools.

Although people will see different results from different toenail fungus treatments, you are bound to find one that works for you.

Next, you must choose between prescription drugs, over-the-counter treatments, and home remedies for nail fungus. The most commonly prescribed antifungal drugs for toe nail fungus treatment are terbinafine (Lamisil), itraconazole (Sporanox), and fluconazole (Diflucan).

During the early stages of infection, a home remedy can work very well in curbing it. However, if the infection has spread, then there are various over the counter medications that work well in treating nail fungus. Most of these over the counter medications can be obtained without prescription.

They are not a once off treatment, but you need to exercise patience as the medications get deep into the nail so as to see any results. Most medications are meant to stop the fungus growth, and it takes some months for the nail to grow to the normal size.

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