Learning More About Animals

By Jill Pillward

Many people in life are fascinated with animals. You can see it almost anywhere; there's the late Steve Irwin who always had a fascination with looking for the rarest species, then there's documentary channels like Discovery Channel and National Geographic, the networks that showcase the best animals in the world and then there's your friend, who likes to research about animals all the time. Maybe through these channels and people, you've developed a fascination and curiosity for animals. If you have, it's time you learned ways in learning more about animals.

I remember the last time I visited my grandmother, she recently had three dogs in her house. I was wondering, "Why did she just get three new dogs?" My mother explained there were burglars around the neighborhood so to keep her belongings safe, she bought dogs to keep her house safe. Well, it's good to say that her house hasn't had any burglars hijack the house. Those dogs must have done it.

Don't tell me you don't smile when a dog begs standing on his two lower legs or a cat climbs on the wall without any assistance. Pets are just so fun to play with. They can make even a frowny person smile because they do their best to please. Okay, so they're might be some pets that don't do that but admit it; pets will definitely make you smile just doing the tricks. Do you know of someone whose pet dog said "I Love You" in barks or of someone whose cat tries to get food from someone eating dinner by climbing on his or her shoulder? Pets are unique in every way and that's what makes people smile. They have this characteristic that only they can emulate. They've got quite a character. Ever heard of a dog that rides with his master on a motorcycle?

The last dog of the bunch is a Rottweiler. His name is Max. Max the Rottweiler is the aloof dog of the bunch. He's not quite cuddly or playful. He does let you pet him so I guess he's friendly in some way. But the person he's most cuddly to be my grandmother. I guess Max is very protective of his owner. So these three dogs make up the pack my grandmother owns. It's an eccentric and weird bunch of dogs; you got a calm but cuddly dog, a hyper-active dog and a subtly-protective dog. They may not look like they get along but you're dead wrong; I see them play and chill on the sunny days in the countryside. I see them chase down any cats that try to infiltrate the home. I'm really amazed by this dynamic trio. I spent a good amount of time playing with them during my visit.

So whatever pet you have with you, remember the reasons they make you smile. They're might be more reasons than the ones listed here so always remember. Even the littlest thing that makes you smile about your pet is good enough.

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