The Rolfing Therapy San Diego Method Of Structural Integration Verses Trade

By John Hayes

Dancers and practitioners of yoga tend to notice when their bodies feel out of alignment. They are people who tend to be in touch with their bodies. I can lay claim to such a self-awareness myself, having been a dancer most of my life. The article will lead us through the topic the new kid on rolfing therapy san diego in body and spine alignment.

However, the Structural Integration can be defined as a systematic approach that attempts to restore balance and alignment to the whole body for long lasting pain relief. Deep Tissue Massage is different from the other in that it tends to focus on techniques for each individual muscle strain, it is temporary relief, and does not address or release the system wide compensation patterns, or the root cause of your pain, dis-function, or "stress".

A standard Deep Tissue massage session is usually a one hour, full body treatment. The results are immediate, and there is not a required specific number of sessions. The amount of sessions recommended really depends on the wants/needs of the client. The strategy of therapeutic process is determined by the client's reports of symptoms of pain or stress.

Not only does Joe public not really know much about Structural Integration or Rolfing but the medical community is in the same spot as Joe public. So how can we clear up this confusion of terms? It is a trademarked and reserved term for practitioners of the Structural Integration that have graduated from the Rolf Institute.

Anyone who has completed training at any of the other schools of Structural Integration may not use the terms, Rolfing, Rolfer, or Rolfed at any time. Rolfing is a brand name for the process of Structural Integration. Over the years, as Ida P. Rolf developed her life's work, her clients and students referred to the process as Rolfing for short, over her name of the work, Structural Integration.

Spinal alignment isn't the only benefit to this either. Patients report benefits to their blood pressure, and a drop in their body weight. The can achieve over a couple of sittings what yoga, physical treatment or anything else rarely achieve. And yet, it is seen not as an entirely new kind of treatment.

In Rolfing, systemic connective tissue patterns are lightly lengthened and loosened slowly-layer by layer, separating the layers that adhere to muscles that have been pulled out of position by strain or injury. Rolfing healing and education is also received in sitting and upright movement, which in terms help improve posture, flexibility, neural programming, self-awareness, coordination, and athletic performance.

Rolfing is not just a therapy involving direct manipulation of soft tissue. Integrating the newly changed structures into a functional, moving holistic body is a unique, indirect and educational aspect of the work. Deep Tissue Massage often does not include movement education, such as working with the client in motion, let alone off the table. Benefits of integrating postural and anatomical cues with the client off the table, in gravity, can help the client bring the experience of their Rolfing sessions into their daily lives.

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