For Good Alzheimers Long Term Care MI Offers A Recommendable Destination

By Maria Stevens

Alzheimer disease is characterized by memory loss as one of the major effects. At the beginning of the disease, the patient is usually independent and can handle daily activities and care for themselves. However, the condition usually gets worse over time and the patient becomes more and more dependent each day. The patient will need help with basic activities such as bathing, dressing, and cooking meals in the long term. When one needs Alzheimers Long Term Care MI Offers the perfect location to visit.

This is one of the reasons why a person should plan effectively to overcome any disappointments. The first step to planning successfully for the future is to have a wise schedule. There needs to be a daily schedule set up by the caregiver to prevent confusion and distress. It is possible for an Alzheimer patient to learn and follow schedule if given effective caregiving.

One is advised to conduct the planning when the patient is alert and most refreshed. After one spending a few days with the patient, it gets easier to identify moments when the patient is alert. In between routines, patients should be permitted to embark on spontaneous activities. There is need for each activity to be allocated more time thus caregivers are advised not to rush the patients.

Though these people depend on caregivers, it is also advisable they be given a chance to perform some tasks by themselves. This means that a caregiver is expected to offer minimal assistance. For example, when setting a table the caregiver can use visual cues and gestures to help the patient in the process. This applies to other activities such as bathing and dressing. Despite this, one needs to be aware that as the disease progresses the patient will need more assistance.

It is also important to provide the individual with choices. This can be done by asking them what they prefer in terms of the cloth to wear, the meal to eat, and the activity to engage in. Instructions should be provided in a clear and step by step manner. Bundling instructions together tends to confuse them more and may lead to frustration.

It is advised to reduce and/or eliminate all other distractions when indulging in any activity. For example, the TV ought to be switched off when an issue is being discussed or when eating. This ensures that the patient focuses their attention on the current activity. This betters their understanding and enables them to give a clear response.

The caregiver is expected to be accommodating to the fact that the patient will become more dependent with time. They are also expected to be flexible to the demands of the patients. For example, the patient may begin to insist on putting on the same outfit daily. In this case one can acquire several identical outfits. When the patient is against the idea of taking a bath, the caregiver may decide have them take a bath once in a while.

Finally, it is crucial to safeguard the environment against accidents by locking up any storage with harmful tools. Critical areas may be installed with handrails and grab bars to prevent falls. Measures should also be taken to prevent fire hazards.

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