Tricks for Do it yourself Tree Removal

By Chase Dubs

A tree removal job is not an easy task for the standard homeowner. While you are able to save a serious amount by removing it on your own, employing the services of a tree arborist is a much safer option for you. But if the need appears and hiring the services of a tree removal service is not feasible at all, you'll have to take the whole matter (literally) in your own hands. Here are some pointers to help you out in safely and effectively removing your tree.

Safety Arrangements

If there are power lines round the tree, or if it is within falling distance, you may want to contact the utility firm first before you go forward with the tree removal process. Make sure that you are wearing personal protective clobber (PPE) so you stay protected throughout the procedure. Utilize sound equipment suited for the task. Also plan your escape routes if the whole process (the falling of the tree, most particularly) not go as planned.

Consult Your Neighbors

You might own the tree or it is within your property line, but your neighbours also have to know that you are getting a tree removal done. The trees that you own or are growing may have some use to them like providing shade during bright weather. If you spend a little time and effort to talk with your neighbours, you might possibly avert years of squabbling with them.

Size Up the Tree

Not every tree can go through DIY tree removal. In such cases, size is a major problem to hand. Your tree should be no more than 10 inches across and not more than 20 feet tall. The ones that are larger are far better off left in the hands of execs since they are certain to have the obligatory specialised equipment to effectively remove the tree.

If the task of removing your tree on your own seems tough, then you are far better off getting the services of the professionals. You may have to pay a fee, but you'll be assured the tree removal job will be done safely and properly.

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