Who are electric fireplaces best for?

By Dave Smalley

So you want to get a fireplace but you don't want to remodel your home installing a chimney, or put up with coal, dirt, chopping wood, soot, or ashes. Also, you don't feel like spending a fortune on fireplace surrounds, guards, or fireplace tools. Electric fireplaces may be more of what you are looking for.

Sure they do not have the actual flickering flames, (although some do a pretty good impression) and there is not that lovely smell of a real fire, or the crackling sound (again, some do a good imitation) but there is no mess, they are easy to install, and they do efficiently heat up a room. Depending on the what you are paying for electricity, it would be good to weigh up exactly how you want to use your electric fireplace.

It's best to check with how much you are paying for your electricity and when you'd have it on before jumping to the conclusion that it would be too expensive. There are some people out there who have a phobia of using any sort of electric appliance assuming it will just suck the life and soul out of your bank account. Yet it's best to take all things into consideration. How much does heating that room cost normally? How much time and hassle would go into maintaining a real fire? And for those just looking for a decorative piece, they'll be pleased to know that some electric fireplaces can be fully turned on without the heating element on.

An electric heater may actually be all you need if you are just looking for a way to heat a particular room. Given the cost of an electric fireplace based mainly on its aesthetic appeal, it may be more worthwhile to just get a portable heater.

People with kids often prefer electric fireplaces from a safety standpoint as there is not the glaring risk of an open fire constantly there, and no need to put an unsightly fire guard up in the living room which pretty much ruins the appearance of the fireplace anyway. It's good to keep in mind if you are one of those investment types that electric fireplaces won't improve the value of your home as they are not permanent, but for those who just want to enjoy their space and do some living in their own four walls, they may be just what you're looking for.

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