Blast Proof Plans For A Building

By Teresa Browning

Explosions could pretty much destroy a whole building quickly. With chemical and kinetic power, explosives and the projectiles they create could easily distort or cut through an infrastructure, eventually resulting to the building's full collapse. On the other hand, if buildings are created blast proof, then they can certainly survive explosions with minimal damage and without collapsing. Otherwise, they'd be completely destroyed fast just like what happened to the World Trade Center, and other city centers torn down by calamities. This is why infrastructures is supposed to be made with blast resilient materials that could handle calamities and terrorist attacks.

Shock waves could cause windowpanes and glasses to burst turning the pieces into deadly weapons. These projectiles are often the reason of death for victims. Thus, emphasis is to be given on widening the gap between the site of the explosion and where people are using barriers.

For starters, to help make a building blast proof and to be able to protect its whole Physical Security, the Blast Design is supposed to be flowing and continuous. Floors must be kept from collapsing by making their bearings and rebars continuous. In other words, if imagined, the supports should move continuously and adjust to accommodate the load is supposed to the building be shaken by earthquakes or bomb explosions. The same goes for the joists and main beams, which should be connected to the exterior columns of the building.

The main exterior column is supposed to also remain flexible and powerful enough to support loads. Finally, the columns attached to the ground and first floor should be fortified as well and well-protected with barriers.

If most of the said things are accomplished, then the beams and columns should be able to withstand the heavy weight resulting from the blast, making it impossible for the building to collapse. While it's true that there may be no real way of eliminating risks, there is hope by incorporating blast proof design into construction projects, saving a lot of lives and business operations.

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