A Few Ways Self Tanner Reviews Can Help You Choose Which Blend Is Right For You

By Haywood Hunter

Years ago, the whiter a person's skin, the more aesthetically pleasing their appearance was thought to be. That might seem strange to think about now, but long ago sun-kissed skin was an indication that a person had to be outside working in the hot sun in order to survive, while the upper class spent their days inside, sheltered from the burning rays. Nowadays, many people, from all walks of life, find suntans to be attractive, but most know how dangerous tanning can be. If you would like to be tan, but want to do it safely, self tanner reviews might be able to help.

As beautiful as tanned skin might look to some people, achieving a tan via the sun or tanning beds can be harmful to your health. Young people especially, are drawn into tanning this way, with little or no thought about their future well-being. While being tan can make people look younger and healthier, UVA and UVB rays can lead to premature aging of the skin, and is a cause of skin cancer.

For those who wish to have a tan, but do not want to ruin their skin, sunless tanning is a great option. Whether you rub it in or spray it on, these products can actually have a healing effect on your skin. Not only can you develop a tan much quicker this way, you will not have to worry about compromising your health.

By using a sunless tanning product, you will effectively dye your skin a darker color. The ingredients are safe for the skin and can help promote a healthier dermis. Your skin should be softer and smoother after just a few applications, but because everyone's skin is different, it might take trying several different products to find the one that's right for you.

Some tanning enthusiasts like using lotions that have bronzers in them. Bronzers will give you an instant tan, but this part of the mix can easily be washed away. The ingredients that actually dye your body will not show up until several hours later.

Years ago, a lot of people were concerned about the orange look sunless tanning products left them with. The makers of the products are aware of this problem, and have been for quite some time. So, over the years, they have come up with different formulations that provide people with a more natural looking tan.

All of the products have seemed to improve over the years, but if you fail to apply it correctly, it is still possible to end up looking discolored and splotchy. You must make sure you have exfoliated your body and your skin is not dry and flaky before application. You must also pay careful attention to your feet and hands. These areas tend to be the most difficult to get right.

Self Tanner reviews can offer you insight into which products work the best. Reviewers are also known to sometimes give helpful advice on application. Here you will find out how products smell and feel, as well as how effective they are at creating the most natural looking tans.

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