Power Of Your Subconscious Mind
As you probably already know, your mind is divided into two parts: The conscious and the subconscious mind. Obviously, these two parts of the brain operate quite different. The conscious mind makes choices, can accept or reject an idea and also has the ability to originate new ideas. The subconscious mind does not have the ability to accept or reject, makes no choices and cannot distinguish the difference between reality and imagination. The subconscious mind can be compared to a tape-recorder. It simply plays the tapes recorded into it.
So what is the hidden power of your subconscious mind? Dr Joseph Murphy explains that our mind is divided into 2 spheres - the conscious part of our mind and the subconscious part of our mind.The conscious part of our mind is our mental state when we are alert and are consciously aware of what we are doing everyday. When our conscious mind is active, we use our reasoning and logic when making decision in our daily processes. Thus everyday, we are constantly making decision when we are working, when we are planning our future, taking care of our health and even while we decide the paths to take in our relationship with our friends, family and with everyone we have in contact with. But that also inadvertently invites us to be consciously think about and be aware of the fears, anxiety, frustrations, anger that happen in our in everyday lives. The thing is, if you become too alert and in turn become too anxious and sensitive to happenings around you, will may develop these fears and worries even before they happen. That means that you are using your logical thinking to imagine all the negative circumstances that MAY happen. Then you will start to overwhelm yourself with all these negative emotions even before knowing whether they WILL EVER happen!
The concept of the subconscious was developed by psychologists early in the 20th century. The subconscious, sometimes called the "unconscious" mind, is a catch-all construct describing mental workings that don't seem to be under conscious control. Freud theorized the subconscious to be a dark place of inner drives and demons, a repository of childhood fears and frustrations, and the storehouse of repressed memories that spawn seemingly inexplicable fears, obsessions, compulsions, and psychosomatic illnesses.Freud's colleague, Jung, theorized that the subconscious mind is every individual's link to the cosmic consciousness,the universal intelligence, the shared mind of the human race. His theory explains how disparate cultures develop similar symbols, beliefs, and rituals, and why similar inventions and innovations appear in various locations across the globe, yet all at the same time.
Some psychologists characterize the subconscious as nave and child-like,with no awareness of good and bad, right and wrong. This definition explains why we persist in unhealthy habits, such as overeating and smoking. Logically, we know these habits are destructive, but we feel compelled to do them anyway because the subconscious seeks only instant pleasure and gratification. Being child-like, this version of the subconscious doesn't understand the difference between real and imaginary,thus the theory that the subconscious mind can be influenced by story-telling, guided imagery, and visualization.Other theorists describe the subconscious as a source of wisdom and healing,an inner genie that grants insight, intuition, spiritual guidance, and recovery from illness. To those who believe in metaphysics, the subconscious mind is a direct connection to the universal creative mind that brings ideas into physical reality.With its many attributes, perhaps it's no wonder hypnotherapists and psychologists seek to engage the subconscious to help their clients toward self-improvement. One stated purpose of hypnosis, in fact, is to "bypass the conscious mind," in an effort to reach the part of the mind that holds the key to real, lasting change, healing, and motivation.
So why is your subconscious mind so powerful? Dr Joseph Murphy explains that our subconscious mind is actually an expanded state of our mind and awareness. Its power extends beyond the limitations of our physical body or even our mind. Our subconscious mind is intimately connected to the vast universe. Just like all matters that exist in the universe, whether living or non-living, they are all created into existence due to the inter-relationship between all the energy matters that vibrate fluently like a musical note.
When our subconscious mind believes something to be true, we will act accordingly to that belief. This is also called a habit. Various self-help books and movies state that it takes 21-30 days to form a new habit, or replace an old habit with a new one. Theres no hard evidence, as far as I know, that backs up this theory, but for the sake of simplicity on an already complex topic, lets assume this to be true. We want to involve as many of our sensory factors (hear, feel, taste, smell and see) as possible, as these are factors that influence our subconscious mind. Wanting to form the habit of always having money left at the end of the month, we could print a bank statement dated the day before our payday and write the exact amount of money we would like to have in our bank account at the end of the month. In addition, we could also stand in front of the mirror repeating to ourselves out loud that I always have money left at the end of the month or even better; I always have (X amount of money) in my bank account at the end of each month.
I dare to claim that if you do this exercise each day for 30 days, you WILL have money left in your account at the end of the month.You can make this even more powerful by doing some exercises around the power of gratitude. You would also want to remove any limiting beliefs about money in order to tap into the full power of the subconscious mind.The subconscious mind is the part of us that operates below our conscious awareness. So, when our conscious minds are preoccupied with our daily tasks, we are operating on our subconscious programmes. For this reason, behaviour tends to be at an unconscious level.
Give attention to your dreams. In Conscious Dreaming, Robert Moss, shaman and professor of philosophy, writes that dreams are spiritual tools through which we can learn about the future, receive guidance, and resolve unfinished business. Moss recommends keeping a dream diary, to understand the symbols, patterns and themes of dreams. He advises us to ask of our dreams: "What do I need to know? What do I need to do?" Engage the services of a board certified hypnotherapist who can help you understand more about your subconscious. With hypnotherapy, you can eliminate undesirable habits, resolve inner conflicts, enhance your motivation and self-confidence, heal traumas, and surmount irrational fears and phobias.Take time to relax, quiet your mind, and develop an inner focus. If you have trouble relaxing, purchase a relaxation training CD,you can find them on Internet web sites such as The Hypnosis Network. Relaxation will help you with reflection, meditation, sleep, and self-hypnosis, all of which will enhance your ability to access your subconscious.
It could even become a life changing moment when you connect yourself with higher consciousness. She may gift you with the plans and steps on how you can achieve your higher purpose in life. This is not a joke. Just like in the movie "The Matrix", we may be too choked up with the "realities" in our lives that make us stressful, fearful, anxious or frustrated. This resulted in us feeling trapped and afraid to pursue our true passion in life - a purpose that we know deep in our heart is best for us.
This is where your connection to the subconscious mind is so powerful. When you constantly convey your intentions to the subconscious mind, you will slowly learn to have faith in life and take on the opportunities that she has presented to you. When you believe in the power of your subconscious mind, you will no longer doubt that she will connect you to the like-minded people, circumstances, events and resources to fulfill your heart-felt desires.Writing down your goals, using visualization and positive affirmations are some of the best ways to communicate your intention to your subconscious mind. But have you been applying these techniques correctly to create the success that you want to achieve? Better yet, are you aware of certain methods that may even speed up your goal manifestation process?
So what is the hidden power of your subconscious mind? Dr Joseph Murphy explains that our mind is divided into 2 spheres - the conscious part of our mind and the subconscious part of our mind.The conscious part of our mind is our mental state when we are alert and are consciously aware of what we are doing everyday. When our conscious mind is active, we use our reasoning and logic when making decision in our daily processes. Thus everyday, we are constantly making decision when we are working, when we are planning our future, taking care of our health and even while we decide the paths to take in our relationship with our friends, family and with everyone we have in contact with. But that also inadvertently invites us to be consciously think about and be aware of the fears, anxiety, frustrations, anger that happen in our in everyday lives. The thing is, if you become too alert and in turn become too anxious and sensitive to happenings around you, will may develop these fears and worries even before they happen. That means that you are using your logical thinking to imagine all the negative circumstances that MAY happen. Then you will start to overwhelm yourself with all these negative emotions even before knowing whether they WILL EVER happen!
The concept of the subconscious was developed by psychologists early in the 20th century. The subconscious, sometimes called the "unconscious" mind, is a catch-all construct describing mental workings that don't seem to be under conscious control. Freud theorized the subconscious to be a dark place of inner drives and demons, a repository of childhood fears and frustrations, and the storehouse of repressed memories that spawn seemingly inexplicable fears, obsessions, compulsions, and psychosomatic illnesses.Freud's colleague, Jung, theorized that the subconscious mind is every individual's link to the cosmic consciousness,the universal intelligence, the shared mind of the human race. His theory explains how disparate cultures develop similar symbols, beliefs, and rituals, and why similar inventions and innovations appear in various locations across the globe, yet all at the same time.
Some psychologists characterize the subconscious as nave and child-like,with no awareness of good and bad, right and wrong. This definition explains why we persist in unhealthy habits, such as overeating and smoking. Logically, we know these habits are destructive, but we feel compelled to do them anyway because the subconscious seeks only instant pleasure and gratification. Being child-like, this version of the subconscious doesn't understand the difference between real and imaginary,thus the theory that the subconscious mind can be influenced by story-telling, guided imagery, and visualization.Other theorists describe the subconscious as a source of wisdom and healing,an inner genie that grants insight, intuition, spiritual guidance, and recovery from illness. To those who believe in metaphysics, the subconscious mind is a direct connection to the universal creative mind that brings ideas into physical reality.With its many attributes, perhaps it's no wonder hypnotherapists and psychologists seek to engage the subconscious to help their clients toward self-improvement. One stated purpose of hypnosis, in fact, is to "bypass the conscious mind," in an effort to reach the part of the mind that holds the key to real, lasting change, healing, and motivation.
So why is your subconscious mind so powerful? Dr Joseph Murphy explains that our subconscious mind is actually an expanded state of our mind and awareness. Its power extends beyond the limitations of our physical body or even our mind. Our subconscious mind is intimately connected to the vast universe. Just like all matters that exist in the universe, whether living or non-living, they are all created into existence due to the inter-relationship between all the energy matters that vibrate fluently like a musical note.
When our subconscious mind believes something to be true, we will act accordingly to that belief. This is also called a habit. Various self-help books and movies state that it takes 21-30 days to form a new habit, or replace an old habit with a new one. Theres no hard evidence, as far as I know, that backs up this theory, but for the sake of simplicity on an already complex topic, lets assume this to be true. We want to involve as many of our sensory factors (hear, feel, taste, smell and see) as possible, as these are factors that influence our subconscious mind. Wanting to form the habit of always having money left at the end of the month, we could print a bank statement dated the day before our payday and write the exact amount of money we would like to have in our bank account at the end of the month. In addition, we could also stand in front of the mirror repeating to ourselves out loud that I always have money left at the end of the month or even better; I always have (X amount of money) in my bank account at the end of each month.
I dare to claim that if you do this exercise each day for 30 days, you WILL have money left in your account at the end of the month.You can make this even more powerful by doing some exercises around the power of gratitude. You would also want to remove any limiting beliefs about money in order to tap into the full power of the subconscious mind.The subconscious mind is the part of us that operates below our conscious awareness. So, when our conscious minds are preoccupied with our daily tasks, we are operating on our subconscious programmes. For this reason, behaviour tends to be at an unconscious level.
Give attention to your dreams. In Conscious Dreaming, Robert Moss, shaman and professor of philosophy, writes that dreams are spiritual tools through which we can learn about the future, receive guidance, and resolve unfinished business. Moss recommends keeping a dream diary, to understand the symbols, patterns and themes of dreams. He advises us to ask of our dreams: "What do I need to know? What do I need to do?" Engage the services of a board certified hypnotherapist who can help you understand more about your subconscious. With hypnotherapy, you can eliminate undesirable habits, resolve inner conflicts, enhance your motivation and self-confidence, heal traumas, and surmount irrational fears and phobias.Take time to relax, quiet your mind, and develop an inner focus. If you have trouble relaxing, purchase a relaxation training CD,you can find them on Internet web sites such as The Hypnosis Network. Relaxation will help you with reflection, meditation, sleep, and self-hypnosis, all of which will enhance your ability to access your subconscious.
It could even become a life changing moment when you connect yourself with higher consciousness. She may gift you with the plans and steps on how you can achieve your higher purpose in life. This is not a joke. Just like in the movie "The Matrix", we may be too choked up with the "realities" in our lives that make us stressful, fearful, anxious or frustrated. This resulted in us feeling trapped and afraid to pursue our true passion in life - a purpose that we know deep in our heart is best for us.
This is where your connection to the subconscious mind is so powerful. When you constantly convey your intentions to the subconscious mind, you will slowly learn to have faith in life and take on the opportunities that she has presented to you. When you believe in the power of your subconscious mind, you will no longer doubt that she will connect you to the like-minded people, circumstances, events and resources to fulfill your heart-felt desires.Writing down your goals, using visualization and positive affirmations are some of the best ways to communicate your intention to your subconscious mind. But have you been applying these techniques correctly to create the success that you want to achieve? Better yet, are you aware of certain methods that may even speed up your goal manifestation process?
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