Live In Nanny Atlanta Can Offer Parents

By Olive Pate

Looking for domestic help is always a challenge but it is especially true when it comes to seeking quality help to care for your children. The live in nanny Atlanta hopefully has for you within its city limits may be like looking for a needle in a haystack but it can be done. In the end, knowing that your youngsters are well cared for and getting extra attention will make it all worthwhile.

Ask around your neighborhood for their recommendations and assistance. Those who have children and enlisted the services of a full-time person such as this will know exactly what you are looking for. If this does not produce any results, there are online and office services that will be able to assist you in the search.

You can run an ad in your local newspaper or online. Request resumes only so you won't be swamped with calls and emails. You will want to keep all applicants from showing up at your home or calling you constantly. Always ask for educational backgrounds and references from all of your applicants even if you think you know them well. Have a line for hobbies, interests, and their geographical histories.

Narrow down your choices and begin to schedule first interviews. Your choices should be those individuals with flexible schedules and plenty of experience. A student in college may not work out for you if she has classes at the same times you need her. A person who cannot or will not work weekends or holidays may not be what you need either. Choose individuals who have the schedule that works best with yours. A young mother with children in school would not be able to live in your home.

Be sure to ask for references and make a point of calling these references with detailed questions. Do this before the final interview so if you get a negative response, you will not have to meet with that person again. Always watch for trouble spots such as moving around a lot, little education, or no multiple jobs within short periods of time.

A great method of getting applicants to speak about themselves is to ask them open-ended questions. This will give you a great feel for their personalities and child care philosophies. Each household is different in the type of individual they are seeking. Take all of these special requirements and keep them in mind when making your final selection.

Narrow down your applicants to a choice between only a few. If you want to get a real feel for the individuals, invite your children to come by and introduce themselves. This will give you a real opportunity to see how each interacts with the younger set. You want someone who will be friendly but firm and also relaxed and casual.

This is a very important process and one that should never be taken lightly. Your family's well-being depends on your thoroughness and intuition. You want to be comfortable knowing that a qualified person will be selected who will take excellent care of their young charges. If you choose well, you will find yourself extremely relaxed and having great peace of mind.

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