Some Of The Natural Mosquito Control Methods

By Shawn Hunter

One of the most disliked insects on this earth is the mosquito. The reason for this being that it causes a whole lot of harm. The severity of this harm cannot be stressed enough as even the pesticides used against mosquitoes seem to be against humans to. Proof of this being in the fact that most artificial pesticides contain DEET. This compound is extremely harmful to not only the environment but we as humans also. Natural mosquito control methods however do exist. Even as we expound on these methods, let us first have a quick reminder of why this is necessary.

Mosquitoes are responsible for Malaria transmission, a tropical disease still without a vaccine that still causes a lot of infant mortality deaths. Add to this the nag that the mosquito causes with its sound while lurking around your ear, or the frequent bites you might experience should you find yourself in a place infested with them. Such experiences are the reason why control of mosquitoes is a must. Luckily, a few of the natural, easy and safer ways to do this exist.

Citronella oils. Preferably, in candles as these pesky pests really hate the scent of it burn. Worry not though, making such candles is a piece of cake. Now there should be an extra reason to have those candle dinners more often. You are doing your duty to the world by helping rid it of mosquitoes.

Lavender is also another weapon against mosquitoes. They just cannot stand it. Given the fact that it is universally loved by mankind, you would be killing two birds with one stone. Adding a drop of lavender to a ribbon tying it to window curtains normally does the trick. Mosquitoes would not dare approach.

Tired of constantly smacking your exposed skin to as you fight of pesky mosquitoes? We have all been there right? A remedy to this exists. Apply 2-3 tablespoonful of lavender body oil to your uncovered skin. Vegetable oil can also be used as an alternative, mosquitoes would keep their distance.

And it does not end there, bug repellant sun screen is also an anti-mosquito weapon. This being added to the fact that is shields the skin from harmful UV rays from the sun. It is all natural as well so no toxins present to harm either humans or the environment.

Eating a lot of garlic also keeps mosquitoes at bay, crazy right? We are not the only ones who are irritated by people who eat too much of that stuff. But it is true. Such an act causes excess garlic oil be released into the skin through the sweat pores creating a barrier between the skin and the outside which mosquitoes cannot breach.

Last but not least, eliminating stagnant water is crucial. This has been proven to be among the most effective ways of eliminating mosquitoes and curtailing their spread. This is because, stagnant pools are the top breeding areas for mosquitoes. With no stagnant water, there will be less breeding. To this end you should rid your surroundings of puddles, all pet water bowls, bird baths and poorly drained gutters. Cutting long grass also helps in the same mission.

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