Pursue Artistry When You Make Hand Turned Wood Bowls And Vessels

By Larry Fisher

It is a common belief among the more spiritually minded that human beings are meant to be creators in our third dimensional realm. It may be that when we fail to implement creative pursuits in our daily lives, we lose sight of our potential. It is for this reason that some people take up the hobby of making hand turned wood bowls and vessels.

Whether one creates with oak or pine, the act of hand turning the wooden slabs on a lathe is a rhythmic meditation. Those who practice this art will say that it brings them a great sense of peace and well being to work with this medium. Some will even go to the next level and learn to carve intricate designs into the piece that are personal to them and their artistic style.

While people often set these out as mere decoration, they are made to be used on a regular basis. Often the artist will create items as gifts for family members or friends. This makes the piece of art very personal.

Our ancestors would teach these skills to their children, and a person might take a large span of their lifetime making a single piece. They would have to find a piece of the right kind of oak or pine, in basically the right shape, and begin to hollow it out by hand using sand or stones to hollow out the piece. The process was a laborious activity, and the piece made would be kept and cherished by their offspring.

This age-old practice of handing down handmade artworks is something that modern artisans can bring back. When an item is made as a gift, created with an individual in mind, such an item may be kept for many generations within that family. The power of holding such a gift made by an ancestor many generations removed, and handled by every member of the clan in-between, grants us a strong connection to our past.

Learning to create such items can also serve to provide a person with an additional source of income. Such artworks sell for fairly high prices online. One might even be able to set up a contract with a local merchant and sell their creations within the community where they live.

Hobbies becoming a career is the greatest achievement most of us could hope for, but very few of us actually achieve. Real job security and career satisfaction comes from doing what we love, and getting paid for it. This takes employment far beyond a daily grind to pay the bills, and brings us closer to understanding what a satisfying day of work truly means.

The spiritualists are most likely onto something very profound about the human experience and our reason for existence. Without artistic outlets in life, we all too often become addicted to unhealthy lifestyle behaviors. It is up to us to decide when the time has come to unplug the television set and learn a new skill or master an old hobby.

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