Opportunities For Private Duty Nursing Sherman Oaks CA Agencies Provide

By James Baker

If you're about to become a high school graduate and are thinking about what you want to do with your life, you have numerous options. A career in the medical field is a very rewarding one, especially if you are drawn to people in need. If you aren't interested in becoming a doctor, or working in a hospital, you might opt for a career in the kind of private duty nursing Sherman Oaks CA families have a need for.

These is an area where nurses work with patients one on one. Agencies provide nurses to parents of infant children, those who suffer from complex conditions, the chronically ill, and wealthy individuals who want a personal nurse. These nurses administer medications and intravenous fluids. They handle the treatment of specific conditions their patients suffer from. Nurses work with families to equip them with educational resources.

Infant care is one area of the field that many nurses enjoy. A baby born with medical issues, or prematurely, may require round the clock professional care for the first months of life. Baby nurses are employed to work with infants who must be fed through tubes and given oxygen. They give babies medication and weigh them. Some parents have the means to hire baby nurses for their healthy infants.

Some nurses are employed by people on ventilators. They need assistance maintaining the ventilators. They may have to be fed through a tube. Their nurses monitor their lung function and perform chest percussions. They have to monitor their patients carefully to avoid infection. Patients with urinary catheters may require help inserting them. Bedridden patients have to be turned frequently to avoid bedsores.

Some patients have chronic or severe conditions that require the services of an experienced professional. This can include those taking chemotherapy drugs and those who suffer from severe seizures. Nurses working with these patients may have to administer pain medicines and maintain oxygen tanks. Nurses sometimes help patients with rehabilitation exercises.

Some nurses work with families who have enough wealth that hiring a private nurse for an elderly relative, or one with a non-life threatening condition, is feasible. These types of jobs entail less nursing ability and more discretion and patience. Nurses take patients to doctors appointments, travel with them, and assist with medication. They have be required to help the client eat, or to monitor how much he eats.

Private duty nurses don't get rich doing their jobs, but the salaries are decent. The most experienced nurses command the highest salaries. The nationwide average is twenty-four dollars per hour. Beginners make about fifteen dollars, and the more experienced can expect about forty dollars per hour. These nurses are predominantly female.

Working in the medical field can be very rewarding. Nursing in particular is a great option for those who want to help people and aren't afraid of the work it entails. One on one nursing jobs are something a lot of nurses find the most rewarding.

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