Things To Know About Curcuma Plants

By Linda Reed

Curcuma or widely known as hidden cone gingers, is a tropical plant that is known for its dramatic bold foliage and flamboyant floral shows. They range in height and resembles as pine cones. It offers a lot of benefits to the body if eaten and because of it, many individuals are propagating their very own. Propagating a curcuma plant is not easy but with these guidelines, individuals can learn the right way to do it.

In gardens, curcumas prefer the sun, light shades and even moist soils. Many of these species nowadays are being bred for tropical cut flower markets so it will produce large, fantastic colorful flowers and will grow relatively well in containers. In the wilderness, curcuma has adapted to dry winters and wet summers so having a few of them at home is easier.

Asking around will also help you find a reputable farm and store. Basing your decision by comparing their reputations is reliable and will be a successful purchase. The main reason why these farms have good reputations is because the prices they offer are reasonable and affordable to the masses. Aside from that, they offer high quality flowers that are unique and cannot be found just anywhere.

These beautiful flowers can grow in shade or sun. The only problem it has is when being grown during cold weathers because it will literally freeze up. When growing them under the sun all day long, ensure to water them all the time to keep the soil always moist. This will avoid it from rotting due to exposure from the hot rays.

Always keep the water plentiful. To control the humidity levels, misting it with a spray bottle is very helpful especially when growing them indoors. Do not let them drink the water during warm climates and ensure that it will not freeze during cold climates. Curcumas cannot tolerate the wetness on their feet for quite some time and will begin to rot if the soils are too much moist.

Curcuma or turmeric is widely used by people with various diseases. It has a long history in alternative medicine and even now, it is still widely used. Many people have claimed that these plants have given them right supplements and vitamins they needed for each day. Some people with skin diseases are have even claimed that it helped their skins return back to normal after using them.

Taking care of one is a hassle. However, this type of plant does not get easily bothered by many pests most common pests that affects them are snails and slugs on unfurling leaves. In soils or containers that are dry, spider mites and mealy bugs may pose a problem. To prevent it from getting affected by pests, only use organic matter.

Researching will differentiate one store form another. This gives a person an advantage when choosing a place where to buy curcumas. With many options available in different markets, researching will help you decide where to purchase the plant. Make sure to find the time to do your research before deciding.

Budgeting is another factor to consider. The prices of these exotic plants are expensive. Most stores offer them at different prices but rare species come in more costly than others. Take the time to assess your needs and buy the one that will make your garden look beautiful and outstanding.

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