New and Unusual Baby Facts

By Logan Baxter

It's a fair assumption that you already know some things about babies. You already know that a baby will take some time to get to know you. Most babies are able to recognize their mothers immediately after being born, but you already knew that. You already understand that no two babies are going to develop at the same exact rate. There is no set schedule for walking or talking or eating solid foods or sitting up or any other "first" in a baby's life. The fact is that most people do not quite grasp just how intricate a baby's development really is. A baby's infancy is an amazing period of time. A life changes so much between the time it is conceived and the time it starts going to school. Even though it doesn't look that complicated the truth is that growing up is fraught with challenges and changes!

Even before a baby is born he is sensitive to light. Your eyes are incredibly complicated devices. In order to work the right way your eye muscles need to have extremely precise coordination. Babies have functioning eyes by just a few months after they are conceived. Even as early as six months after conception your baby will show signs of light sensitivity. Here's something else about your baby's eyes: if he is Caucasian he will be born with blue eyes but they might not stay that color! Caucasian babies do not usually keep their "original" eye color (blue). So don't get excited if your baby has blue eyes at birth. They might not stay that way!

This is why a baby will sometimes choose one toy instead of another. Pastels are meant more for an adult's sense of cuteness while the black and white things that are so often turned down are actually better for your son or daughter's development.

In spite of taking a few months to start forming words that adults can identify, the range of sounds babies can make is amazing. A baby's larynx is still being "finished" after he is born, which is why it is so flexible and has such a range. This is one of the reasons that babies can make more sounds than adults. Pay attention to your baby's sounds: it won't take long for him to assign specific sounds to specific needs or things. This is why a mother can usually tell if her baby's cries mean that he is hungry or tired or that he needs a diaper change. Typically, most of a baby's beginning vocabulary will consist of easy vowels and consonants that he can make using only the front of his mouth. In a baby's vocabulary "mama" usually comes after "dada" because it is harder for babies to learn how to make the "m" sound.

Experts agree that too much mercury is terrible for pregnancy but there are some forms of fish that are mercury free and eating them is a good idea. Salmon is a fish that is highly recommended by doctors because it does not contain any mercury and it is full of vitamins and minerals that are good for you and your growing fetus. Some people believe that if you do not eat fish then your children will not have the same high levels of brain function or the same high skills for communication as those children born to women who did eat fish regularly while they are pregnant. There is no need to worry if you are not a big fan of fish-this is still just a theory.

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