Custom Homes Wilmington Inspection Tips

By Lucia Weeks

When it comes to selling any house, it is often mandatory to have it assessed by a professional. This is done through the custom homes Wilmington inspection process. It is a process commonly undertaken by buyers looking to establish whether everything is okay with the property that they would like to invest in before signing the transfer papers with the seller.

Begin by checking the safety equipment. This will include the smoke alarms as well as the alarm systems. Determine whether they send out a signal as is expected of them in cases where distress has been noted. All alarms should always be in an operational state.

Given the important role that they play within the house, make sure that you have checked all their aspects. This will include giving the batteries a check. Batteries that have not been replaced for more than three months should be taken out and replaced with fresh ones.

Once the safety check is complete, the next item on the list to check should be the plumbing and water drainage systems. The plumbing systems supplies water to and from the bathrooms and kitchen. Observe the water pressure levels, note any areas that do not have a regular supply and also take note of any places that are leaking.

Arrange and rearrange the furniture until each room becomes roomier. This is an important task as it helps in elimination of clutter around a house. In addition, it will leave you with enough room to walkabout without running in to anything.

When done checking the interiors, head outside for an exterior assessment. This should always begin by finding a ladder to use in accessing the roofing area. The good thing with a roof assessment is that it is not complicated. The main check points will be shingles and depression signs.

It will also be important to give your gutters a good and thorough look. This is necessary as water from the roof is often drained off using the gutters in place. Without the gutters, there will be no way to take care of the runoff water and this may end creating puddles on the yard.

Climb down and examine the foundation. Given that it is responsible for holding the entire weight of a house, it must not have any weakness signs. Weakness signs are often shown in the form of cracks running from the top to the bottom.

It is extremely important to confirm that there are no swinging trees next to your house. This will include branches that are hanging too low. Their mere presence places the lives of those in the property in danger. If a branch were to crack and land on the roof, the roof would give in due to the pressure and this might end up hurting someone.

Examine the paintwork condition before finishing the assessment. This is easier as all that has to be done is to check for peeling off and fading. These are signs that a house is in need of a paint job.

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