The Most Effective Ways To Teach Children Money Now

By Amana Rose

One of the most important lessons a child needs to learn is how to handle money. This training must start at a very young age, just as soon as they understand that having funds means it is possible to purchase something that is desired. How to teach kids about money is not difficult but a pattern must be established and adhered to.

It is important that the child understand the difference between routine chores and jobs that earn wages. Cleaning their room or making their bed should be expected as part of the living process. While doing something such as feeding a pet or raking leaves in the year is a money making task.

There is often a misunderstanding about allowances. Allowances are usually believed to be a 'given' while pay is for work above and beyond the routine. If allowances are given just for being one of the family the meaning is lost. Having a job, like mom and dad, will have a more associative meaning.

Families who are trying to teach their child the value of money will have a routine that is faithfully followed. On payday the family gathers around the table and the wages earned are produced. At that time it is divided into certain sections as to where it should be applied. This educates the child to the fact that income earned is paid out in certain ways and is not just to spend foolishly.

On this 'payday' the funds are divided into envelopes or other containers specially marked for certain projects. Things such as savings, church or charity, toys and so forth will encourage savings. If, for example, a certain toy is desired they will understand that they must have that amount in the toy fund before such a purpose is possible. It will not be long before they understand the connection between earning wages and dispersing it wisely.

Parents who want to teach kids about money must also discipline themselves. It is tempting to automatically make the purchase of a toy a child seems to want badly. How much more meaningful if they earn and save the funds to buy it. They may decide that it is not worth the cost if they have to earn the price themselves. This the most valuable gift that parents can give their children and will help guide them through adult life.

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