Making The Most Of Your Breakup

By Maria Babenko

Are you upset and depressed about your breakup? Did you know that your breakup might actually be a positive force in your life? Did you know that some very wonderful things might come from this breakup? No matter how horrible things might appear right now, you still can get your ex back. Even if it looks like your ex has moved on with you, things can and will change and if your ex is the one that you want in your life every day, you really can win them back.

It really doesn't matter what lead to your breakup, you can get back together just like all the other couples that reunite every day on this planet. There are couples out there that have probably been through more difficult breakups than what you and your ex have been through and they still managed to find love and get back together in spite of their circumstances. There are couples that have cheated on each other, been neglected and abused and said that they would never get back together who find themselves back in love with each other again. Why should you and your ex be so different? If you truly love your ex and you have even a little hope in your heart then working towards getting your ex back is in your future.

Using the time that you have been allowed thanks to this breakup wisely is the key to getting your ex back. Even though you might be very depressed or lonely because you miss having your partner in your life, making good use of this time is the best thing for you right now. Trying to destroy yourself because you're upset with yourself or feel like you're nothing is not the path to getting your ex back. This is your time and now it's time to pick up the pieces of your life and reinvent yourself. Make yourself so wonderful that your ex would be a fool not to take you back when the time is right.

Spend some time in introspective thought. Allow yourself to honestly look at your part in the downfall of your relationship. Don't take all of the blame for your breakup but be honest with yourself about how you behaved and acted and how you contributed to the end of your relationship. Nobody is blameless. You share some blame and so does your ex but the only one that you can change is you. If you feel that you were impulsive and acted rashly at times, maybe read a few self help books to better understand why you act the way you do and why you react the way that you did. If you feel that you may have an anger problem or a drinking problem, get some help in these areas of your life for yourself and for your relationship in the future. This time is all about you improving yourself.

Take this time to do the things that will improve your life. Discover a new hobby or start taking some classes at night to improve yourself. Study a foreign language or work on a new degree part time at night. Change your daily routine and start taking better care of yourself spiritually, physically, emotionally and mentally. Exercise your body and feed yourself good food so your mind becomes more clear and you have the necessary energy to do the great things with your life that you're going to do. Make changes that can be seen in how you carry yourself and also how you think.

While you might be tempted to dwell upon the negative aspects of your breakup, think about what you can do with this time alone to improve yourself. If your ex had not broken up with you then you might never have this opportunity to make these changes and focus on yourself. It is time for you to be a little selfish and focus on making you the best person that you can be. Change is going to be important to your ex when they see you next, and they will be checking on you at some point, Why not ensure that there are some noticeable changes for your ex to see?

Beat back those negative thoughts that tell you that you should just move on. No matter how bad things may appear, things always change. Even if your ex has started seeing someone new, realize that it doesn't mean a thing and you can still win your ex back no matter how awful things might seem. Dream about getting your ex back and be patient with yourself and learn how to break down the wall that divides you and bring your ex back into your life exactly the way that you dream.

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