Effective And Less Risky Way Of Protection From Threat

By Metheun A Vaghn

A couple of weeks earlier, Sebastian was inquiring where to buy stun gun devices. I raised my brows as soon as he asked the question. Was my peace-loving close friend thinking of a personal protection gadget? I prodded and learned he was almost mugged at the park while jogging and had wanted to become prepared ever since.

Stun devices, while non-lethal, are not playthings. They are able to inflict harm but only momentarily. I sat in to listen to a police officer teaching similar victims on stun weapons causing both pain and also disorientation, thereby disabling an attacker right up until you could break free and look for assistance.

He recommended that newbies acquiring one must begin with low voltage stun guns. Many people are normally concern about using personal protection weapons in the beginning. Using a less powerful weapon assures you the opponent won't be harmed seriously and for good but you can still safeguard yourself adequately.

For guys like Sebastian, the policeman suggested something like a 300,000 volts straight Stun Master stun gun. It was powerful enough to cut energy off from the muscles, especially if it touches vulnerable sections just like the neck, shoulders, abdomen and groin, but the effect was just for a few moments.

It's not uncommon for folks to lose their own balance and become confused once hit by a stun gun, Mr. Policeman revealed. If the electrical shock is mild due to low voltage, there is less probability of severe injury.

The straight stun gun came equipped with a safety switch in order to keep it from hitting the user unintentionally and a wrist strap for simpler handling. Considering that it was able to penetrate half-an-inch of clothing thickness, there was no shock back to you in case the aggressor managed to touch you while being shocked himself.

Sebastian was very content with the information I provided him with and said he would think about it whether to push through with the purchase or not.

What is important is that he has a good idea where to get stun gun devices already the moment he is finally all set.

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