Finding a Natural Remedy For Psoriasis That Will Work For You

By Terry Robbins

While there are many drug therapies that can work to control psoriasis flare ups, there are many psoriasis sufferers who try to find a natural remedy for psoriasis as an alternative or in combination with conventional treatment methods. Here are some natural remedies that have shown positive results in many sufferers.

An important aspect of psoriasis is that it affects people differently which means that whatever treatment chosen will usually produce different results in different people. What may work for one patient may not work for another and if this happens, it is important not to lose hope. It simply means that the quest for a psoriasis cure continues. This chronic skin condition that affects 3 percent of the general population requires the right attitude because there is still so much that is unknown about this disease. Remaining positive through the various trials and tribulations of having this condition is sometimes the difference between finding the right treatment that will work for you or not.

Natural treatment of psoriasis options

1. Light

What could be more of a natural treatment for psoriasis than sunlight? It is true that doctors also use artificial light to treat psoriasis flare ups in their offices but when you cannot get to a doctor's office or decide not to, unless you live in Siberia or a similar place like this, sunlight will usually be available almost year round for you.

Ultraviolet light found in sunlight has been shown to get rid of psoriasis symptoms although the reason why is still not clearly understood. The type of ultraviolet light rays that are beneficial for psoriasis treatment are the UVB rays that are also responsible for sunburns.

To take advantage of sunlight as a natural treatment for psoriasis, do discuss this first with your doctor. He or she will then examine your skin to determine how it reacts to the sun as far as sun sensitivity, tanning and sunburns. Then a schedule may be created for you by your dermatologist and precautions given if this therapy is determined to be right for your skin.

2. Psoriasis and diet

Most doctors do not recommend diet as a treatment for psoriasis as there isn't enough evidence to support this but if you think making dietary changes will help you, they will not stand in your way.

A psoriasis diet at a minimum includes eating an abundance of fruits and vegetables, little to no red meat, little to no alcohol and if you smoke, quitting this bad habit. Sugar and high fat foods should be avoided. More fiber should be consumed and maintaining a healthy weight is advisable and so forth.

3. Supplements

There are many patients who use supplements to manage psoriasis. Some common supplements that are used include fish oils which have been shown to not only benefit the heart and the brain but also benefit the immune system.

4. Herbs

Herbs especially those used quite effectively in traditional Chinese medicine are quite popular as a natural treatment for psoriasis as well as many other health conditions. Caution should always be exercised because many herbs have not been fully studied and many are as powerful as conventional medications. Herbs still remain popular because of their affordability as well as being readily available.

5. Home remedies for psoriasis

Many ingredients commonly found in a home can be used to treat psoriasis and include turmeric, coconut oil, apple cider vinegar, etc. Many of these have been found to be very effective in managing psoriasis.

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