Some Suggestions on Preventing Your Water Lines From Freezing

By Clemmie McRay

Depending on the problem that you have, plumbing problems can be your worst nightmare. Homeowners across the country have this happen to them when they have the water pipes in their home burst. One thing that you do not want to happen is at the worst time is have this happen to you. Your home can become a disaster zone when the ceilings in your rooms start to fall on your head. The nice part is this does not need to be your problem this winter. If you plan ahead and use just a little bit of common sense you can eliminate the cause of bursting water pipes and other winter disasters that can happen to your plumbing.

In some parts of the country winter is here, so make sure that you take the steps to winterize your plumbing in your home. One area you can't afford to take any chances with is that of preparing your plumbing pipe-work for the freezing cold weather.

I hope that you've never had to experience bursting water pipes in your home. It is not a pleasant site when you see the damage that all that water can cause and the amount of property damage that has to be repaired.

There are several reason's why water pipes will freeze. This goes for colder climates as well as warmer climates. You could have a very quick drop in temperature that you didn't expect, you may have really poor insulation on your water pipes and finally maybe you set your thermostat to low. One thing that most people cannot believe is that a 1/8 inch crack in a water pipes can lead to about 250 to 300 gallons of water a day going into your home. The amount of damage that can be done is tremendous when you think about it. For one thing the amount of mold and the smell from it is going to be excessive and that does not even count the amount of structural damage that could happen.

You don't want this problem, so follow these simple steps:

Keep pipes warm. You may find exposed pipes in different places, but make sure you check the attic and the crawl space where it can get very cold in the winter. When you find the exposed pipe, be sure to have some insulation with you and wrap that pipe with the insulation. More is better in this case. You can use the foam rubber pipe insulation to protect the exposed pipes.

One thing to consider is that if you live in a place that has very harsh winters, you may want to consider having the pipes wrapped with heat tape. This heat tape is controlled by the thermostat and will keep the pipes really warm and have almost a zero chance of freezing. When you buy the heat tape it is going to explain how to install it, so just follow those instructions.

The water pipes are located in the walls of your home. When you know that it is going to be getting cold outside, make sure that you open the cabinet doors up. This is going to allow the warm air that is inside your home to reach those back walls. This can help a lot in preventing the water pipes from freezing.

Seal air leaks. Even the tiniest leak from the outside can let in enough cold air to freeze your pipes. Make sure that you inspect your home thoroughly to ensure that you don't have any air leaks. Some of the most common things to look for are your dryer vents, any electrical wiring that is coming in from the outside, or any outdoor to indoor pipes may have area's for cold air to enter and cause the pipes to freeze. You can find some of these places in the attics and crawlspaces of your home. When you find these penetrations that are leaking, seal them up using some type of caulk or even stuffing insulation into the spaces. You can also use the expanding foam sealant to seal of the leaks from the outside.

The water system. Running a cold water faucet during the cold weather will allow the water to continue to flow in the pipes and this will prevent them from freezing. Running hot water is a huge waste but that is what a lot of people will recommend. I've found that running the cold water works just fine and I have never had my pipes freeze and burst in the winter.

If you can, choose a faucet connected to an outside wall, as the cold can very easily come in through even the smallest outdoor pipes (garden hose pipes, for example).

If you are planning on leaving your home unattended for an extended time frame during the winter, then you might want to shut off your water supply and drain the water system completely before going on your travels. Do not go any lower than 55F degrees on your thermostat when you're going to be gone for an extended time frame.

Your home's plumbing is a major investment, and one that you'll need to last for many years to come. Don't take any chances with faulty plumbing materials or installation. A trustworthy and reliable plumbing company should be the one doing all of your plumbing work. Leave it to the experts to ensure you do not have any problems that you can't see for a long time and then it is to late.

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