3 Signals He Is Sending You That Say That He Likes You

By Alexandra Peterson

Are you unsure if the man that you're attracted to is interested in you? Are there times when you think that he's attracted to you yet at other times you're just not sure? Short of coming out and asking him if he likes you, how can you tell if he's attracted to you? How do you know if he is thinking the same things that you are? What signs will tell you if a man is attracted to you or not?

Men can be a bit of a mystery sometimes. Most men are taught from the time that they are very small to hide their emotions and to suppress what they feel from outsiders. This doesn't mean that a man's feelings are completely hidden. Often a guy will express his emotions without even thinking about it. He may struggle with how he feels about you or he might not even know how he feels but his body will give you clues to what lies beneath the surface.

First, has he ever touched you or do you remember a time when you remarked to yourself that it seemed like he was an affectionate kind of guy. Maybe he touches your arm or your shoulder when he's talking to you. Perhaps he has touched your back as you walk through a door in front of him. A man's desire to connect with you is difficult to hide and for some men this is a way to be affectionate during the beginning stages of a relationship without the risk. If he's touching you then there is a very good chance that he is attracted to you.

There are people and cultures where touching is encouraged or a part of their culture. In many countries, it's common for people to touch more often with others they feel comfortable or close to. It could be that he touches many people when he talks to them. Try to take notice and see if it's just you that he touches when he's talking or if he does this with everyone. No matter what you discover, if he is touching you then there is a connection and a warm place in his heart for you that can lead to bigger and better things.

Take notice of how he stands when he is talking to you. Is he facing you? Does his chest face towards you or do his feet point in your direction. A man's feet point toward what he wants so if his feet are pointing towards you then you are what he wants. If his chest is pointing towards you then he is open with you and he feels safe with you. He's not hiding anything and he is attracted to you.

Now, there are men who might not face you directly when talking to you. It could be that the man that you are attracted to was hurt in a past relationship so he's a little hesitant to be completely open at first. It's also a little difficult to always face someone when you're talking if you're sitting on a couch or at a bar. It's also awkward to not face someone when you're eating dinner with them and they're directly across the table from you. Use your own judgement and test it out sometime when he has the option of turning away or facing you directly. If he faces you directly with his feet pointing towards you then you know that there's a very good chance that he's attracted to you.

A man's eyes are the next place you will want to look to see if he is interested in you. When a man is falling in love, his eyes will sparkle when he smiles at the object of his desire. Do his eyes sparkle when you smile at him? Does he have a genuine smile that can be seen in his eyes? It's impossible for a man to control this sign of attraction so take notice of his eyes the next time you meet and see if his eyes sparkle when he sees you.

Try not to get concerned if he looks away or avoids eye contact for more than a few moments when you check to see if his eyes are sparkling. There are guys that are shy and sometimes awkwardly shy when they come face to face with a woman that they adore. It could be that he has some self-esteem issues or that he feels that you're way out of his league if he looks away. It's not that he doesn't find you attractive. The exact opposite is true. Let him become more sure of you and that you're not going to break his heart and you will see those sparkling eyes all the time.

If you notice any of these signs then there is a very good chance that the man that you're interested in does have feelings for you. Take notice and do your best not to scare him off. Many men are poor at understanding and communicating their emotions. Allow his body language to tell you everything that you need to know and move forward without a word. Many of the best men are shy and awkward so if you are interested in him, let his body do all the talking for now. There will be plenty of time in the future for him to tell you how he truly feels once his emotions overcome his instincts not to show his feelings.

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