How To Avoid The The Conflict And Cost Of Contested Divorce In Long Beach

By Rae Patricio

Divorce attorneys in Long Beach are available to help divorcing couples avoid the conflict and expense of a contested divorce by offering friendly and pertinent legal advice for each individual case. A dedicated attorney has extensive experience with all kinds of family law and marriage related matters, and can help couples reach a Long Beach Uncontested Divorce agreement rather than go through a contested breakup.

Disagreements about the legal aspects of a breakup result in a contested divorce. These disagreements may revolve around partner support payments, child custody issues, how accrued assets will be divided, or how mutual debts will be paid off. Sometimes, one partner may not even want to get divorced, which is also a cause for contention.

An uncontested marriage breakup is a lot easier than a contested one; in this case, the divorcing individuals both agree to all terms and don't need the court to make decisions for them. Uncontested divorces are often a lot simpler and involve minimal conflict; they also take much less time and money.

The California courts aren't interested in why you want to end your marriage, but rather whether there are differences so difficult to resolve that the only practical outcome is to legally end your marriage. Once permission from the courts has been granted, it will take about six months before the process is finalized.

The quickest and easiest type of legal breakup is called a summary dissolution; however, this avenue is only applicable to new couples that have no children of their own, and who have total combined assets of low value. Neither an attorney nor a judge is required for a summary dissolution to be effected; just the filing of some forms.

All divorces can be stressful, complicated affairs, regardless of whether they are contested or not. It is important that a couple seeks the best legal assistance so that the preparation for their case delivers the best results for each individual concerned. Quality legal preparation in Long Beach will help couples reach a mutual agreement so that costly and messy contested divorces are avoided.

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