Reasons For Using Portable Spill Containment Berms

By Linda Ruiz

Holding bags are mainly used to keep liquids and gases. In most gases, the things that are stored in them are corrosive; therefore, storing these substances inside the bags ensures that the contents do not spill. In the end, it is a measure of conserving the environment. Fuel cylinders and drums as well as oil filled bags are good examples of such movable containers. Using portable spill containment berms goes a long way to ensure that the environment is not polluted.

They are specially designed to be durable, heavy duty and corrosion resistant. This is because they will be used and moved often or may be handled carelessly. However, in their manufacturing process, there are various factors put into consideration, such as their width and length as well as the desired height size. Other features may come in fitting of the logo.

In most cases, especially in developing countries, these are installed alongside transformers that help in the supply of electricity in a given locality. They hold any oils and petroleum fluids that may leak due to a fault on the transformers. This is according to the guidelines provided by the environmental body of a given state as a requirement to avoid pollution of the soil.

Geotextile barriers are used by many utility power providing firms in different parts of the world. This is a switch from the traditional holding bags that were of low quality. Geotextile bags filter out water from oil that has leaked. This prevents it from flowing out of the bag. They help in the sealing of leaking oil in most cases. They are cheap to acquire hence save on the cost incurred in offering after clean services on transformers.

The containers are designed to fit in certain environmental conditions. Strong rubber and other materials such as geotextiles are used in designing these bags. These vessels are mostly used during the transportation of oil through water transport. This helps to protect marine life from destruction by the hazardous materials.

Most companies in the manufacture of hazardous liquids and gases have adopted the use of such secondary polythene bags. They are essentially made to look like basins for holding such matter. Franking companies use such bags to hold water and other liquefied matter that is the end product of processes such as distillation. Contaminated water usually arising from drilling of boreholes is held by such bags.

Different shapes and types of movable bags are manufactured differently. The most common type is the L shape bag. It is cheap and consumes less time in its assembling process. Some come with customizable shapes and designs to hold much content in the long run. A good example is the interlocking bag that is easily connected to collect diverting liquid.

Movable secondary bags are a great deal in their use. They are quick and easy to install as well as use hence provide a valuable service when in use. Manufacturers of such bags and cylinders have to subject them to various tests such as their ability to accommodate pressure and not burst.

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