Maintaining a Healthy Body with 3 Day Juice Cleanse

By Dylan Scott

Food is one of the stress reliever of most people that sometimes they eat too much not noticing what is already happening in their body inside and out. They say that what we eat is what other people will see in our skin, our hair, and our face. If our body is not functioning well because of the food that we eat plus the pollution that we have in our present time, it can be seen in our visage and it can stay there for a long time unless you'll do something from it with the help of doctors that you know. But, the question is, have you heard and tried detoxifying yourself?

The natural health care center website states that cleansing or detoxification is needed for us to "rest our body from time to time and heal our overloaded digestive system and allow them to get caught up on the past work, release toxins and get current".

You will discover lots of techniques to detoxify your body and one method is the 3 day juice cleanse by which you'll limit your daily diet to raw fruits and vegetable juices. People who are required to do this 3 day juice cleanse are individuals having cardiac arrhythmia, pre and post surgery, cancer, low immunity/chronic, fatigue pregnancy, peptic ulcers, cardiac conditions, nutritional insufficiencies, low blood pressure and underweight people.

In this cleansing, you will need first to reduce or eliminate the meals that should be avoided like alcohol, nicotine, sugar, dairy, caffeine, meat and sea food, eggs and wheat. Every morning, before breakfast, drink two servings of water, one glass that contains squashed half lemon. When taking your breakfast, you may only drink fruit smoothie or vegetable juice that is made from fresh organic and if you would prefer it, you may also have a small fruit. After 2 hours, drink fresh vegetable juice. And for your lunch, drink a smoothie or vegetable juice and you can also eat fruits and fresh vegetables if you want to. On snack time, you should only drink fresh vegetable juice and as for your dinner, a smoothie or vegetable juice must be consumed again. Lastly, before sleeping, drink another vegetable juice. While carrying this juice cleansing diet out for 72 hours, you also have to exercise, have some relaxation and recharge yourself by sleeping. In the event you have already managed to do this for 3 days, you will have a brand new eating habit that you should continue by drinking shakes of fruits and vegetable juice however; you are not allowed to add proteins to shakes like protein butter and soy milk plus a few servings of wholegrain items then one serving of sunshine protein like beans and peas. On the following day, you are now allowed to accumulate three or four servings of wholegrain items and progressively reintroduce protein to your daily diet like sea food and chicken.

Some state that it is a simple, trouble-free and agreeable approach to cleanse your body without getting a hard time but, if you're not familiar to eating vegetables and fruits, it could be a little challenging for you. It's a plus for many people since the body could again be healthy and get re-energized; and be able to fight harmful toxins in a bit of time that's just 72 hours or 3 days.

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