One or Two Side Effects of Genetically Modified Foods

By Ben Mester

GMOs, AKA genetically modified organisms, are a comparatively new kind of organism in the world, the results of which haven't yet been fully measured. Many people fear far-reaching corruption of the country's food sources, so much so that a return to the original will become impossible and the original food that we once grew will no longer be available.

To a degree, this has already taken place. Lots of the first strains of wheat and other crops have faded from use, in place of other tougher strains of wheat that are better suited for the climate of the U. S.. So the range of crops that were once grown has lessened in the face of greater production methods.

But in the short run, many people worry that some genetically modified foods have negative side effects those same unmodified foods don't sometimes come with. There have been more than one cases of people becoming sick or dying of genetically modified foods, such as in 1989, when many Americans died from a genetically altered version of the supplement L-Tryptophan. Not only that, but the upward push of cancer seems to have a correlation with certain genetically modified products.

One of the most frequently discussed is the genetically enhanced growth hormone rBGH that is given to cows to enhance their milk production. Nearly everybody has been told of this growth hormone, and many are concerned that the excessive use of this hormone is leading to premature adolesence in teenagers and colon and breast cancer in adults. Though tests are preliminary, many are concerned over the continuing use of genetically altered products like rBGH.

One major difficulty in our nation is that many products containing genetically altered foods are not required to label that they contain genetically altered components. This means that many people are unwantingly eating huge supplies of genetically modified foods. Though natural health food outlets are everywhere, it can be expensive to eat an all natural diet, and it would be nice if there were a simple midrange solution. But finding info on which products include genetically altered foods can be somewhat difficult.

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