How to Fix Marriage Even If Your Spouse Does Not Want To

By Rhonda Glass

If you spouse has left and you want the marriage to work, you are most likely wondering how to fix your marriage. The fear, loneliness, and doubt is very common. This is even more devastating if it seems like your spouse is moving on with their life without you.

You can save your marriage even if your spouse has concluded they want the marriage to end. It only takes the change in one of you to begin fixing your marriage. Since you want the marriage to work, you need to stop being angry at your spouse. This will not help in paving a path of happiness once again.

There is something you CAN do. You CAN save your marriage. How? First, let's explore what it means to be attempting to fix your marriage on your own. As human beings, we are meant to be with a partner. It's in our genetic makeup to develop connections with others. This can be done through romantic connections , through friendships, or closeness to family. How we interact with people is fundamental to our overall mental health.

Blame. Resentment. The difference between expectation and reality is disappointment. This is generally what sets the path of marital bliss into a downward spiral. As a child, you may have seen this in your parent's marriage. This is usually where we learn to deal with problems in the way that we do as adults. It's a vicious cycle, but you can put an end to it.

What does it really mean to fix your marriage on your own? Mostly, you must change your own attitude and not focus on your spouse's reactions and actions. You must learn to work on yourself in order to make a real change in your marriage. This is how you can gain control of your happiness. Breaking the old, engrained patterns.

When you are emotionally healthy, you can begin working on the real issues in your marriage. Take a good look at your outward health as well. Work on this if it has changed a great deal from when you began dating. Your ex will notice all of the changes and this will begin the path of a second chance - a chance to fix your marriage.

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