Secure Your Home Now Before it is Too Late

By Stuart Smith

If you are looking to use the services of the many locksmiths Bromley has to offer then please take time to research and choose the right company.

The benefits of this research will pay dividends. You do not want to end up with a poor standard of workmanship, no guarantee or after care service. This could possibly cost you more money in the long run because you may have to employ another craftsman to finish the job.

Purchasing a home with or without a mortgage is most likely the biggest sing thing that most people will buy during their life. So to have the right door and window locks in place will enable you to sleep easy at night or leave your home knowing all is secure.

We are going to go through a few things that you can put into practise today to make stop your house becoming your areas next victim.

Get a spy hole fitted to your front door. This way you will be able to see who is there before you decide to open up. If you add a door chain as well this will let you open up the door but not fully for extra protection

Window locks should be fitted around the home if they are not already. Newer glazing may already have them which are built in. If you have older windows it would be a good idea to get extra locks fitted at once. They should conform to British standard and be fitted by an appropriate qualified locksmith. One extra tip is to never leave a key in so keep it in a suitable place.

A good strong mortice lock with three locking points should be fitted to the front door to add much valued extra strength.

You could use another type of lock called a deadlock. This will make it a lot harder for an intruder to flee your home because they are key operated only.

Here are some more general tips to keep your home safer.

Please check everything twice, windows and doors should all be locked. It sounds obvious bit people do forget. Make it a part of your routine and it will become second nature.

It has been known for thieves to try to hook various keys from the letterbox so make sure such items are well out of sight from nosey eyes.

Special types of locks should fitted to the top and bottom of your patio doors as they can be lifted from the outside. Talk to your locksmiths for more information on this.

Neighbourhood watch schemes are great! Join if you can but if nobody has created a group yet then you may want to consider starting up one yourself. Extra security is gained and a bond between residents will only benefit all that live close by.

Tools, ladders and any items that may assist a break in should be kept well out of reach and locked away. Don?t make life easy for a potential burglar!

Close all curtains at night to avoid anyone having a view inside. All lights should be off to make inside visibility a lot harder.

Install lighting outside the front door that will light up if someone approaches your home.

Have a light system with a timer that you can leave on when you leave home. It is dangerous to leave a TV on so avoid doing this.

Fit a good quality alarm outside of your home. This could stop a burglar from even thinking about a possible break in.

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