All About Hookah And Shisha flavors

By John McCree

Looking for the perfect shisha flavor for you? In this article, we will talk about how you can find and buy the correct kind of shisha flavor for yourself.

Hookahs are used to smoke flavorful tobacco, most commonly called "shisha". The modern day shisha contains all or some of the following things:

1. Tobacco

2. Treacle (uncrystallized syrup produced in refining sugar)

3. Honey

4. Sugar

5. Molasses

6. Glycerin

7. Nicotine

8. Dried Fruit

9. Distilled Water

The hookah smokers prefer the typical fruity flavors like apple, banana or mango. However, there are tons of new and creative flavors on the market for example Starbuzz's "Blue Mist". The manufactures have also introduced many other flavors which are offshoots of fruity flavors. Flavors such as Apple pie, blueberry muffin and banana split are among the more popular ones.

Shisha flavors have become extremely versatile due to relative simpleness of flavoring during production. The dried tobacco, glycerin, and sweetener can be mixed with basically any other ingredients to produce unique flavors.

Social Smoking

Hookah is commonly shared in a social setting where the smokers may gather for friendly chat and to enjoy the fragrance created by the flavored shisha smoke. Hookahs grew popular in the Middle Eastern countries very quickly and these smoking devices swiftly became a significant part of all drinking and eating establishments. Nowadays they are seen in places from smoking parlors, to nightclubs, to the house.

The smoke from shisha has a soothing impact on the smoker, which is one of the main factors why it became popular quickly. As a comparison to cigarettes, hookah smoking is done more as a social pursuit and for the flavor, instead of for any type of biological impact. In contrast cigarette for starters, has a very bad smell and smokers normally smoke cigarette out of addiction. A cigarette undoubtedly lasts no longer than 5 minutes and a shisha lasts for more than an hour, but the latter is not addictive.

Getting the Most Flavor from Your Hookah

No rocket science here, but some good common sense and discipline can go a long way when it comes to getting the most from your hookah. First of all, cleaning and maintaining your device appropriately is essential. After each smoking session you should wash your hookah. It is best to wash hookah with warm water than with cold water.

Regarding specific tactics, it's critical to prevent the coals from burning up the tobacco mid-session. You can do this by maintaining some distance between the foil and tobacco. When you're packing the bowl, leave some millimeters between the top of your tobacco and the plane created by the rim of the bowl. In this way, when you will wrap the foil on the top of the rim, there'll be distance between the aluminum foil and tobacco. One more tactic you can use to maintain distance between foil and the tobacco is to place two toothpicks in cross on the tobacco. Additionally, while "packing" the bowl, don't pack the tobacco down tightly. You should put the tobacco in loose mound from which air can flow. Doing so, you'll be able to get a flavorful hit without having to strongly puff on the hose. If desired you may also use two sheets of foil to help prevent against overheating. The specific game here is: KEEP IT CLEAN AND DON'T BURN THE SHISHA!

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