Information that will be required to implement a pension sharing order

By Peter Slegg

Information and fees needed by the trustee

Before a Pension Sharing Order can be implemented, the Trustee may require all the following key pieces of information.

It is important to be aware that pensions are established under trust, which therefore means that they have got a very specific set of rules and laws which will apply to them.

Pensions also receive extremely favourable tax treatment, which means without the proper process, due research and approval from the court, it's not possible to move money between people's pension. Pension transactions are commonly irrevocable. This means that once finished, they can't be undone so suitable financial and legal help should invariably be sought to ensure that this process has been finished correctly.

1. All the names by which our member and our member's spouse or civil partner have been known.
2. The birth date address and national insurance number of our member and our member's spouse/civil partner.
3. The name and address of the authorized pension arrangement to that the pension credit should be transferred (the receiving arrangement), along with the new provider's Application Form.
4. The name, title, business telephone number, business fax number and e-mail of a person who could be approached at the receiving arrangement regarding the discharge of the pension credit.
5. The new provider's bank details: name, address, sort code, account number and reference (if any) to which the pension credit is due.
6. Confirmation from the new provider that it will accept the pension credit.
7. The membership number/policy number in the receiving arrangement for our member's spouse or civil partner.
8. Payment of any administration charges. These charges can often be above £2,000
9. The Original Pension Sharing Order, Consent Order and Pension Sharing Annex. If it is a Scottish Divorce, the Original Minute of Agreement will also be required.
10. The Original Decree Absolute.
11. Our member's ORIGINAL Birth Certificate.

When a married couple divorce or a civil partnership is dissolved, the monetary assets of both parties are taken into consideration by the court. The purpose is to be sure that the assets are split between the parties in line with the terms of the divorce.

After your house, your pension could potentially be the largest financial asset that you have. So it's crucial to comprehend the effect that a divorce may have on your pension benefits.

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