Understanding the Laws of Success

By Kathy J. Myers

Success does not just happen; it is the result of the application of laws that have been proven over time. From the days of the Roman Empire, these laws have been shown to work. The key is to understand these laws and to work with them, not against them. One such law is the Law of the Farm.

This powerful interaction between words and mind is lost when you type them into the computer or the latest iPhone. A good typist can type sentences without having to look at the keyboard. It is next to impossible to write on a pad without actually reading the words. It is the natural cause and effect of writing; you have to look at what you are writing.

All the processes of Nature are winning. Nature knows no failures. She never plans anything but success. She seeks at results in every form and manner. To achieve something in the best and identifiable sense of the term we are obliged to, with Nature as our model, copy her ways. In her principles and law of success we shall discover all the secrets of richness.Limitless richness are at man's consumption. There are no limits to his possibilities. He focuses and understands the basics, forces, and doctrine of the whole world and the law of success. He can improve a great intelligence; thus, all life's issues may be answered, all Nature's secrets exposed, and all human troubles solved. Everything is achievable in this world.

Planting the Seed The farmer plants the seed of the crop he wishes to harvest. He does not plant corn seed to get a harvest of wheat. So, too, a person must plant the seeds of what he wishes to gain. This is where goal setting comes into the process. The person needs to decide what his goals are, and then create a plan for reaching those goals, so that he can plant the right seed for the desired harvest of success. A person wishing financial success must plant financial seeds, whether these be investments made or skills learned. The person must understand how the seeds being planted will grow to the desired harvest.

I was unforgiving to myself in not reaching it earlier. You have a better chance of reaching your goals and dreams when your mind is right. When you are writing your goals and you feel good about them, then you are more likely to achieve them. If you don't have a good feeling as you write them, then you should review them and change them. The more your mind accepts your goals and dreams the better chance that you to achieve them.

Whatever your existing circumstances or condition may be, there's a better and a bigger expectation in store for you, but you are required to prepare yourself for it. You cannot climb into the better and greater things unless you DO SOMETHING on it. Study, plan, and work are all required. The young and the older alike are entitled to enhance.The young and the elderly alike are allowed to advance. To be honest to yourself and to the universal laws which guides you, law of success is purely moving, for advancement. It is the Universal Law's goal that you shall move ahead. You can still keep, and you can reverse, in this manner hindering your natural process for a while, conceivably as long as a life time (usually it doesn't require that much), on the contrary in the end you will be compelled to move forward, especially in the path of soul's increase.

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