The Email Sequence For Turning Prospects Into Customers

By James Kupe

For most business owners, figuring out what to send to their email subscribers is so hard, they often stop trying. You want people to buy your products or services, but you fear upsetting them to the point where they unsubscribe. So what is the best ratio of information to sales offers? Here's a simple but powerful email sequence you can use today. And testing it in your own business could easily double the results you get from email marketing.

So your first followup message should always thank people for subscribing, and reconfirm that they've made a wise choice by joining your list. Then you should immediately start giving them the kind of information that's going to help them get from where they are to want to be, as it relates to your product. If you can get people moving towards their goal, and if they can see how your product helps them to get there, they are going to be much more likely to buy from you, either now or in the future.

But let's say you've sent this first series of messages, and for whatever reason, people haven't bought yet? Below you'll find a proven email message format that includes a number of powerful physiological triggers. Your readers are going to find buying from you quite easy after reading these messages, especially if your product really does help to solve their problem.

1. In the next email you send to your readers, you should focus on one of the main problems your product helps people solve, and mention how bad it is to have the problem in the person's life. Remind them about the pain they are experiencing because of this problem, and they will probably realize they need to do something and fix it. Finish your message by briefly mentioning that tomorrow you will give them the solution to the problem, and they can look forward to that message. You are opening a loop in your reader's mind by doing this, and that is going to force them to anticipate your next message because it contains a solution to their problem.

2. In your next message, close the loop by showing them how buying your product is the solution the problem you aggravated yesterday. Make them an offer to purchase, and you'll typically see a large spike in sales as people read your second message and see the solution.

3. For those people who don't buy, send them your third message which highlights another problem your product helps people solve. Talk about this second problem, and make readers start to feel the need to solve it if it's affecting them. The forth message the next day shows how your product product can help solve this next problem. Then simply do this with each problem your product helps to solve until people buy from you.

Anybody in any business can use this simple email sequence. Capture people onto an email database, then follow up for a few days showing different ways they can solve their main problem by buying your product. If they haven't bought by then, go through and highlight another single problem your product solves one day, and give them the solution the next. Then highlight another problem two days later, and give them the solution the next day. Just keep doing that doing until they buy your main product, or something else you sell. That's all there is to it.

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