The Easy Way to Become an Impressive Manager

By David Ferrers

You know there's a great deal of rubbish talked on management development courses about what's required to become a successful manager and the right way to become and successful leader.

Look around you, do all of the good bosses in your organisation behave in the same way? Do they use the same techniques? Do they communicate in the same way? Have they all mastered the same techniques on these management coaching courses?

The reality is that management is like other skills it has to be a highly individual art. The people that are good at it use NLP techniques, either consciously or subconsciously, to develop their skills.

So , what makes an excellent leader? Well, first of all they have learned how to trust themselves and to be who they may be. They don't make efforts to become something that they are not. Second, they set themselves behavioural goals. Notice that these are not positional goals. In other words they don't intend to achieve a certain position on the promotion ladder. They just set out to be good at what they do and let promotion take care of itself (apart from developing good contacts).

The question then is, "how do they discover what is good behaviour and what is liable to result in issues for them?"

The fact is that they make a study of the behaviour of the managers they think to be good at their functions by utilizing a process called modeling. Basically this means that they observe good behaviour and copy it.

Notice what I suggested in the third paragraph of this article, they model the behaviour of good managers "unconsciously". All that you need to do is to choose who is good in a selected situation and watch what they do in that kind of situation. Don't make a studied attempt to observe, just relax and permit your natural observational abilities do the work - that is the simple way to become an unusually successful manager.

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