Marriage for Couples

By Nia Lawrence

Wedding ceremonies have been considered constant in human civilization. It has been in existence for centuries and has always been an event people look forward to regardless of how it is celebrated. It is the actual time when two individuals solidify their relationship by means of marriage. Unique wedding gifts given by friends and family are usually seen during these events that are considered to be the highest peak of the relationship of two people who are in love. It is usually the bride who would be the happiest in this celebration since this is the most anticipated moment in a woman's life.

This event is a ceremony wherein two people are formally bound together with the sacrament of marriage. Actual celebrations will and may vary depending on the religion, culture, ethnic values, or social class. Traditionally, wedding vows are exchanged, together with gift offerings between marrying couples. Both man and woman would exchange promises in front of a person who would have authority, such as a priest, who would then publicly proclaim the marriage. Most of the time, it is done on a formal setting wherein people are required to follow a set of guidelines that a couple would set for the particular celebration.

The celebrants are oftentimes dressed in marvelous white garments to emphasize the formal aspect of the event and the purity that comes with what they are celebrating. As mentioned, guidelines are usually set by couples. There are also times when there is a wedding registry given out prior to the celebration. Though guests are not required to purchase from the registry, it still helps the couple in making sure that they will receive unique wedding gifts that should eliminate redundant items. Most of the time, there are dress codes that guests and family need to follow. Formal attire is the most often requested to be used in this particular event.

As aforementioned, the way this event is celebrated or held may vary because of different factors that we have in human civilization. Like in religion, there are different religions in the world that would probably have different ways of celebrating marriage. Unlike other religions that would accept and honor same-sex and polygamous marriages, most Christian ways and beliefs would only honor and respect a life-long union involving two people from the opposite gender. Also, their priority in marriage always gives importance to properly raising children that were produced by this accepted union.

Traditionally, people gain a lifelong partner when they get married. People would actually receive more, like extended family and, of course, the presents that family and friends offer. These presents are expected to help newlywed couples start their married lives the right way. That is why unique wedding gifts that would complement the household are preferred regardless if couples are starting fresh or coming in with an established home.

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