Simple Solutions To Relieve Cold Sores

By Chris Borg

Most people in their lifetime will be affected by cold sores. They spread easily and are a viral infection that our bodies have trouble completely getting rid of. The question everyone seems to want to know is are cold sores contagious?

This virus cannot be completely killed by the body so it appears as these sores. There is no cure by any medicine that is available on the market today. People generally get these sores on their lips. The first attack of the virus is generally the worst. It is called the primary attack, usually hitting before the age of ten. Another name a lot of people call these by is fever blisters. The blisters are red and filled with fluid. These blisters usually last only a few days and then disappear.

The reasons that people get the virus vary from person to person. Some reasons that people get this virus are colds, an illness, stress, too much sun exposure and hormonal changes. There is also sometimes no straight forward cause of anyone getting virus. Also, when people get a re occurrence the re occurrence will show up in the same general area.

Prevention of the cold sore is fairly simple. Common sense plays a huge part in not contracting the virus. The obvious one is to wash your hands frequently to stop the infection from spreading, also stay away from skin contact with people that do have the virus. Although the blisters maybe gone the person is still contagious because their saliva will be carrying the disease.

Another thing that seems to be a given is not to share your personal items with others. Items such as towels, Chap Stick, lip gloss or utensils should never be shared. If you are the one who does obtain the virus avoid toughing other parts of your body after being exposed to the blisters because it could spread to the other areas that were touched. Always wear sunscreen all year around.

Depending on your preference you could choose to take a pill to relieve your symptoms or use a type of cream. Also, there are several at home remedies to try. Some of the things that have worked for other people is changing your diet, using nail polish remover on the area, using vitamin supplements or putting on a cold compress to relieve some of the pain.

Another great natural supplement that works is Lysine. It is an amino acid and is in some foods that you probably already eat daily. These foods include cheese, milk, fish, chicken and most vegetables. If you are looking for a type of cream Abreva is the only FDA approved treatment of cold sores. It is a topical, over the counter cream that is applied to the affected area. It reduces itching and pain. Both of these can be purchased at any local store.

So, the answers to the question are cold sores contagious are really a variety of answers depending on the situation. Knowing that there are several prevention methods and treatment options should put people at ease. The fact that there are things to make cold sore sufferers feel better with no cure readily available is a calming notion.

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