Precisely How Many Solar Energy Panels Will You Be Needing For Your Home?

By Allan Stanforth

Calculating the number of solar panels are essential to power your property can prove to be a demanding task. Which is simply because there are lots of things which should be considered.

The truth that different households have distinct energy needs is common sense. The good thing is there is a straightforward algorithm that can help you calculate exactly the number of solar power panels for you house.

To make this calculus, you'll need your month to month electricity bill. It will help you discover out your electricity usage. In addition, you have to know how many hours of sunlight your home receives daily, and how many watts your solar panels can produce.

1. Compute the electricity usage of your home

First, you have to determinate simply how much electricity your house uses, typically. This information can be found in your monthly power bills. The energy you consume varies from month-to-month, and that means you will need a typical number.

Because you consume more energy in winter, you can take one of the winter bills as a foundation for your calculus. On your bill, you will see the number of kilowatt hours of electricity you've used during that month. Let's assume that is the amount you use monthly, divide that number by the number of times in a month, to find out your every day energy usage.

2. The number of sun hours in your area

The solar panels produce energy as long as the sun is shining. How many hours does your house enjoy sunlight each day? Once again, take winter days as a base, mainly because, in winter, your house receives the smallest amount of sunlight. Let's believe your house gets sunlight 6 hours a day.

3. The quantity of energy hourly your panels should produce.

You know how much energy per day your house needs. Multiply that number by 1000 to convert the kilowatts in watts. Divide that number by the number of sunlight hours (6 in our example).

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