How To Choose Between Invisalign And Braces

By Esperanza Galloway

Perfect teeth are beautiful teeth; however, perfection is not the only reason to have work done of the teeth. If a person has a jaw alignment problem, they will often suffer from pain as well as a crooked smile. A visit to the orthodontist might end in him or her recommended the treatment of braces. With the treatment of invisalign Baltimore teeth can become aligned without traditional braces.

This device is made from clear plastic and fits over the teeth much like the guards used to prevent people from grinding their teeth at night. This is a device that can be removed and it is important to remember that it can only work when it is being used. It works in the same way as its metal braces counterpart, by gently moving the teeth with the use of light pressure.

While this is a neat device, not everyone will be allowed to wear them. The better candidates for usage are those who are older teens or adults who have minor to moderate teeth issues. If the correction will include rubber bands or wearing headgear, traditional braces must be worn because nothing is able to attach to this device.

If a patient feels that they will not wear their device as prescribed or that they easily loose things, then they should consider getting braces than cannot be removed. If a patient can be honest with themselves, then the best treatment option can be chosen.

There is little difference in the coverage of metal braces and a removable device where insurance is concerned. However, patients may discover that the removable devices comes with a higher cost. If a person grinds their teeth, it is likely that they will break it. This will mean the purchase of a replacement device which will increase the overall cost of treatment.

Excellent oral hygiene is a must for those with braces or without. During the use of invisalign Baltimore users can care for their teeth in the same manner that they always did. This is not the case for those wearing metal braces as they much be extra careful while brushing and flossing. For this reason, a removable correcting device is easier to use.

A perfect smile not only enhances the self-esteem, but it makes caring for the teeth more convenient. Because the device is practically invisible, no one will know that a person is wearing it. This helps the patient retain their privacy during treatment as they will have more control over who knows that they are having their teeth straightened.

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