The Benefits Of Compact Fluorescent High Bay Lighting

By Anns Z. Lister

High bay lighting is not identical; distinct lamps are made for the specific needs of the different facilities in which they are used. For instance, gas stations normally use these powerful lamps to illuminate their pumps and parking lots during the evening hours. Since lighting is very necessary in manufacturing plants and factories, you can usually find these lights hanging there as well, ensuring that all employees are able to clearly see what they are doing. While a large number of the bay lights that these facilities use are designed as 400 watt metal halide lamps, there are substantial benefits to be obtained from making a switch to more efficient compact fluorescents. If you are curious about the benefits of these lights or are pondering changing out your old lighting system, consider the benefits detailed below to help you make your decision.

Whether you need high quality lighting in a large indoor facility or in an outdoor space, you should know that metal halide lights do not represent the extent of your options. These lamps wear out rapidly and have been known to produce 40% light after only 10 months of use; clearly they are not ideal for long term use. Even though they still emit a diminished amount of light, it tends to be of an inferior, less natural color so it is not ideal.

Compact fluorescent high bay lights are rather distinct because they are designed to last for years, not just months, at near maximum capacity. If you compare metal halide bulbs and compact fluorescents in the concept of light quality, you will find that the second are much better and longer lasting. A significant dimming in the light emitted from metal halides can be seen clearly after regular use during just one year; that is nothing when compared to the 20,000 hours of regular use that compact fluorescents are rated for.

One concern that is often mentioned in relation to compact fluorescents is that the high bay lighting will not be a pleasant light, but harsh and unnatural. If you are concerned about this, be sure to choose a bulb that is rated at daylight quality light; that means it will accurately mimic the look and feel of the sun's light. Warmer light is also available in compact fluorescents from lower wattage lamps that produce a more intimate and yellow light.

Investing in high quality high bay lights is a wise choice since they last longer than most other lamps and produce beautiful light. Though it can be an intelligent choice for you too, be sure you carefully analyze all of your lighting options before making a decision to change your system.

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