Reliable Information About Equipment Leasing And Its Importance

By Bjorn O'connor

Equipment leasing is that agreement between two parties basically the borrower and the lending party . The borrower is then expected to pay for the equipment leased in accordance to the agreement. Once this borrower has paid required rentals, he has the right over that asset for the agreed period of time.

The lending party retains ownership of the asset over specified time called lease period. They are best understood as rental agreements. If a person gives out an asset that he owns to be used by another person in exchange for periodic rental payments, the person may be said to be leasing out his asset.

Leases are broadly classified into operating leases and finance leases. Finance leases and operating lease. Finance lease are also rental agreements; however, the rental duration is so long that the lessee ends up using the asset for most of its life. One will therefore be the sole user of the asset even though it has been borrowed from someone else who is the rightful owner. Therefore, one will be using the asset as if it is his own.

The operating lease takes place in cases where the lease itself does not guarantee for the lender to regain his capital. The lender is also not guaranteed the return of charges incurred during the lease period. Thus any rental fees charged should be received over the lease term.

In case of costs that the lender incurs in the course of negotiating and arranging the lease, they should be out laid in the same year they were incurred. The ownership of property will automatically come with certain risks and rewards. The risks will include losses from idle assets, technological obsolescence, and economic changes that lead to variations in return. Rewards will come from such sources as the gains recovered from the economic life of the asset, appreciation in value of the asset or even the residual value realization

In most instances, cancellation of finance leases is not allowed. However when some emergencies occur with the permission of the lender or when the leasing contract has been renewed only then can it occur. But however such incidences are hardly likely to occur.

The lessee has rights and obligations that always have to be accounted for in any lease. They are in such a manner that the risks and rewards they encounter while using the asset are similar to that of a direct buyer. In any lease this should be taken seriously and with much keenness.

In the balance that the lessee comes up with, in the heading of tangible assets he should include the owned assets and the finance leased assets. However the leased assets should be differentiated from the owned ones. The liability column should also be filled in terms of lease payments not made yet. It should also be split into current and long-term liabilities.

Equipment leasing has been of great importance and of benefit to many people over years. Despite the fact that even equipments from leasing, they also are termed as assets. These assets can be accounted for in the account books. This however will be determined by the fact that they will in future be of economic benefit by increasing the inflow to the enterprise.

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