How to Wait on God - and Why You Should!

By Norita Sieffert

In the book "The Face of My Enemy" Jess spies a possibility to interrupt the enemy's plans and he does it. But it doesn't go well for him. We frequently find ourselves going through the same thing. We detect opportunities and they seem like good works we can achieve. So we get involved. Soon we've gotten away from what's important. Micah 6:8 reminds us of what God wants from us. We are supposed to act justly, love mercy and walk in humility with God. Nothing else is important and could actually be harmful.

Our society is works oriented. Information attacks us from a lot of different directions and it never stops. The pressure is on to do something with this information. We feel useless if we aren't working. But we've got it backwards. We are of infinite worth to God just like we are. Genesis 5:24 tells us that "Enoch walked with God and then he was no more, for God took him away." Enoch did not construct anything that we are aware of. As far as we know he didn't do anything at all except walk with God. But that was all God needed.

In Star Wars Yoda said that Luke Skywalker must unlearn what he had learned. This is fantastic advice. At some point the Church has gotten the impression that it must be engaged in programs. They have Sunday school programs, Bible study programs and evangelism programs. There are bake sales and garage sales. Churches begin men's, women's, children's and mission's programs. Cowboy churches hold cowboy ministries and biker churches lead biker ministries. There is no issue with all these ministries, unless God didn't direct them to be started. If someone began a ministry because they felt they should do something for God, then it was doubtless started on the wrong basis. We get the idea that we can do good works and transport them to heaven's gates and hand them over to God. "This is what I did for You!" The honest truth is that the only works that will squeeze through those gates are the works God specifically ordained. The rest will be "burned up." The person will slide into heaven by the skin of their teeth and nothing of their non-ordained works will make it through (see 1 Cor. 3:15).

Ephesians 2:10 reminds us that we are God's workmanship. We were born into Christ to do the works God prepared ahead of time for us to do. This is the lesson we need to internalize. God has arranged the works for us and we are to work only those works. God will ensure that you know what He has prepared for you. He won't abandon you. When everything is ready you'll know, assuming you've been studying the Word and waiting on Him. It may occur in a month or several years from now. Until it comes your time would be better spent just recalling the words from Micah 6:8. Remember that Paul did not do much for the first 14 years after his conversion. When the book of Acts picks up Paul's story, a lot of years have elapsed. Where was Paul during this period? He studied and waited for God.

A.W. Tozer, the man who composed some of our great Christian literature, thought it would be worthwhile if the Church just halted all of its ministries and listened for God. He said it would probably never happen, though. The reason he was gloomy in his outlook is that the Church has become so stuck on doing works that we have lost track of the One we should be working for.

I am sure that there are just two qualifications for a productive ministry in this day and age. The ministry expands God's kingdom and it exalts God and God alone. A lot of ministries don't do these two things. Somewhere along the way we disregarded the truth that we are saved by grace. We have bit by bit launched into works to try and earn approval with God. But our works are rubbish to God if we are not obedient to His directives. God is interested in relationships. First He wants us to be in relationship with Him. Then He is concerned about our relationships with others. Jesus gave in John 13:34 a new command to love one another just like He has loved us. He said nothing about works here except to love. Our good works will proceed from a heart that is filled to overflowing with the love of God.

If you have become weary in your well doing then possibly the time has come to step away and breathe a little. Humbly step out of the spotlight of your work and find a quiet place. Let yourself be alone with God and develop a real relationship with Him. Nothing is more important than this. When at some point God gives you the work He wants you to do, you'll be ready to do it in His strength and His power.

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