Tips For Creating Holiday Centerpieces

By Shawna Trujillo

Holiday centerpieces can be used on any table of flat surface in the house. They are not just for the dining area. These do not have to be expensive or elaborate. As a matter of fact you can often make them using items that you already have around your home. Take stock before the season begins to get some ideas of items you can use.

Do a practice run. Sit at the table and have another family member sit across from you. Make sure that your display is not too high. You do after all want to be able to see and have a conversation with your guests. This will be awkward if something is so tall that it is blocking your view.

Another simple idea is a pretty glass bowl filled with gorgeous glass ornaments. Use large ornaments in the color of your choice. Add some white twinkle lights to complete the look. To avoid having ugly cords running across the table use battery operated lights.

You do not have to be elaborate. Keep it simple if you want something inexpensive and easy to put together. A bowl filled with gorgeously colored ornaments for example. Small vases with pretty flowers inside is another easy idea. Add some tea lights if you want to make your display shine a bit more. Ornaments can be used in a variety of clear containers for an instance Christmas look.

Twinkle lights are perfect for the holiday table. However, you do not want a tangle of wires laying around. For this reason battery operated lights are wonderful. They let you place lights anywhere that you want. You no longer have to worry about having an outlet nearby.

If you and the kids have put together and decorated a gingerbread house, that will make a wonderful centerpiece. Give it the place of honor that it deserves. Not only will it look adorable but as you and the children look at it, you will be reminded of the fun you had making it. That is after all what the holidays are all about, family, friends and making memories.

If you have a collection of something that you love, bring it out. There is no need to keep it hidden away during this festive time of year. A group of snowmen for example would look cute, or perhaps you have several vintage Santa collectibles. Those too would work. Enjoy what you have and bring it out for all your guests so enjoy along with you.

Holiday centerpieces are really much easier than people think. You can use many items that you already have around the house to make one for your table. Even something as simple as a few candles will give the table a more festive, company ready look. Do not over think or stress over this. Have fun and use items that you like. That is really all there is to it.

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