Is Branding Yourself Important To Empower Network Success?

By Russ Howe

One of the biggest rules to success is personal branding and today we're going to look at why this plays a game changing role in affiliate programs like Empower Network and Global Domains International. There are too many people who get this wrong and today we'll help you to avoid becoming one of them.

It doesn't matter what networking skills you have or the quality of a sales pitch you can put together. The biggest test in becoming your own boss will be mental.

You need to be able to approach your business with the same way of thinking you would if it were a start up opportunity in the real world. For example, if you opened your own store in your local area you would immediately realize the power of personal branding.

Sadly most people are unable to transfer that way of thinking across to their online business. You won't be able to make money online, no matter how potentially great your opportunity, if you don't treat it like a serious business. If you act like it's a hobby it will return the results you'd expect from a hobby.

One of the biggest traps in home based businesses is that a shocking percentage of people who attempt to work from home for themselves fail to realize the serious attitude you need to succeed. It's not that they fail because they cannot do it or don't have the skills, it's simply their mindset was completely wrong heading into it.

If you are going to get anywhere in business you need to be able to stand out. You need to be able to separate yourself from others who are doing the same thing. Get with it, or get lost in it. This is where personal branding plays a hugely important part in your future success.

Think about this for a moment. When you are asked to name a cola drink what's the first thing which springs to your mind? If you're like most people you'll suggest either Coca-Cola or Pepsi and that should teach you immediately the power of branding. Everybody's taste is different so there is a large chance that those two soft drinks are not the best tasting options for many people out there, but because of the brilliant job they have done with their branding mission they are the ones which everybody immediately thinks of when their niche is mentioned.

This isn't just specific to that niche, it happens everywhere else too. In a recent survey where 2000 people were asked to name the world's most famous football player an astonishing 60% said David Beckham. Despite the fact that he's not considered the world's best player and is almost 40 years old, David Beckham is still one of the most popular players in worldwide football and once again this shows the power of building your brand.

When it comes to home business there is a tendency for affiliates to spend way too much time talking about how great their business opportunity is but nowhere near enough time talking about themselves and engaging with their audience.

You see this mistake happening all of the time. I have had many conversations with people after they have joined an online business and they revealed that they initially were introduced to the concept by somebody else's capture page or information page. Why didn't they sign up there and then underneath that person? Because while they showed the various benefits of that business and convinced the viewer it was right for them, they didn't take any time to engage with the viewer on a personal level at all. Basically it was just a sales pitch.

The person clearly wanted people who saw their material to be joining the business under their link, that is the whole reason for them creating it in the first place after all. But they failed to insert their personality into their work and as a result they lost out. One of the most important rules to remember about business is that you don't need to be excellent at what you do in order to be successful. You simply need to have the work ethic to rise above others doing the same thing. If you also have a talent for it, you are onto a winner.

The reason so many people fail in businesses like Empower Network while others seem to find it easy to make money online with the exact same business model comes down to what they do to build their business. Personal branding power is not to be underestimated.

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