Secure Income Should Be With Reality TV Stars

By Rob Sutter

When you think about the epidemic that is reality television, what kinds of images come into your mind? Partying, fighting, and cursing galore perhaps? For better or worse, reality TV has become engrained into our society and it doesn't seem like this is going to be changing up anytime soon. Having said that, though, it's hard to believe that these people spend most of their lives partying in the now; they probably should focus on the future and forming a plan of secure income.

Snooki is seen as the breakout star of "The Jersey Shore" like the Olsen Twins were in the sitcom, "Full House." I see this woman and I can't believe, even for a minute, that she's given much thought to a secure income, let alone any aspects of smart retirement planning. Snooki has done so much in the way of partying and her constant flirting with others on the show made me believe that she cares little about her future. Organizations such as Savings2Income educate people on smart retirement planning and Snooki would be smart to take note.

Concerning the subject of females within reality TV, one forgotten name during the early 2000's has got to be New York. As the instigating female from "Flavor of Love," she's done work in four different romantic reality shows overall with two of them showcasing her as the bachelorette of sorts. Since then, she's taken part in shoddier shows of her own and I can't imagine her future has much to offer. With her reality career all but dead, the time has come for the antagonistic New York to secure her financial future.

Above all else, these TV personalities have proven that poor planning cannot be an option in the way of acting. Instead of spending so much partying and living in the now, a good deal of focus should have been placed on the future during their fleeting spells of keeping relevant. Child actors, in particular, seem to peak rather early and Hollywood gives up on them once they realize the minimal interest they've been generating. Fame has been said to be a fleeting aspect but there nothing should be fleeting about a monetarily secure future.

Reality TV personalities may just be the guiltiest parties when it comes to handling money. They seem to throw it away on trivial things while they believe the world is in their hands. The truth of the matter is that they aren't considered excellent actors and, as a result, seem to drop in the way of relevancy faster than any other actor in Hollywood. These people need to take advantage of secure income and create it early on or else risk staying afloat in their golden years.

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