Gas Fireplace Inserts Are Knocking Out Conventional Fireplaces

By Om Thoke

It's safe to say that the conventional fireplaces are being phased out by the new modern designs that technology is creating each new day. Perhaps the reason behind this could be because those long established fireplaces were a hassle to handle. There was firewood, ashes, newspapers to think about. The mess that had to be cleaned up after a warm fire was quite a nuisance.

Although the concept of fireplace inserts is a fairly simple one, the installation is not something recommended to a do-it-your lover. The installation is not complicated; this is one for the pros. Think about it, you are building a fire in your home...not something to learn from your mistakes with. A professional installer will be able to accurately assess the condition of your existing fireplace; chimney and cap ensuring after the wood burning fireplace insert is installed there will be little chance of fire. Also, many insurance companies will require you, the homeowner to provide documentation of professional installation and inspection.

The design aspects are numerous. These inserts can come with brick and tiles already set in place, or they can be empty, allowing you the opportunity to add your own distinct design. To make things even easier, some units give the ability to simply slide tiles in place without having to permanently install them.The biggest reason for installing a gas fireplace insert is of course, the energy savings. While a wood burning fireplace looks great, it is not efficient in heating a room without a blower. In fact, they actually suck the warm air out of the room and up the chimney.

When looking for good wood burning fireplace inserts that match the quality of the ones offered by Vermont Castings, make sure that they are highly efficient while at the same time requiring as little wood as possible to avoid extra handling. Also take note of the BTU, burn time, and heating area to make sure that you get the best benefits possible.

It's pretty hard to beat the electric fireplace in terms of ease of installation. In the rare case that you have a large, home-heater, then you might have to hire an electrician to wire in 220 volts. In most cases however, installation consists of plugging it into the nearest receptacle. Ventless gas places can be just as easy if they run off of portable fuels - like gel canisters. But if you plan to burn natural gas, you'll need to have a gas pipeline installed into your home - which may be easy or difficult.

Wood burning fireplace inserts are very environment friendly and hazard free. Hence, it is a prudent decision to invest in one if you want to get something that provides you warmth, enjoyment and environmental friendly. With the ever-increasing risk of global warming, you must invest in wood burning fireplace inserts.

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