Ideas about Making a Great Cup of Coffee

By Tammy Freese

For many people, coffee is their must-have beverage. There are even those that will note the fact coffee drinking is a literal daily ritual to take part in. However, other serious coffee drinkers would rather quit this daily coffee drinking ritual than take part in it if the coffee was made with poor quality water, inferior beans, or even made in a low grade coffee pot. Others might look towards the manufacturer of the coffee as the source of what makes or breaks a good cup of coffee. It is true that many manufacturers will employ different strategies of processing home coffee brews. Yet, there are a great deal of other factors which contribute to what makes excellent coffee. Here are a few common things to think about regarding how to produce an excellent coffee brew.

Using fresh beans: The coffee bean is where the magic starts. You can brew your coffee in the most expensive, most advanced coffee maker but if you are using stale or inferior beans, your pot of coffee will taste horrible. Having said this, you need to make sure that you are purchasing whole coffee beans from the freshest sources, or that your coffee bean grounds are being produced from beans that are kept as fresh as possible.

You will find that there are scores of varied grinds that a machine can employ with a coffee bean. There are grinds for course, expression and standard drip. You will discover fine grinds are available too. The more fine a particular grind of bean is the more oils will be drawn from the bean which leads to the release of the essence of the bean. Yet, a fine grind will have a fine filter also. How the coffee feels on the pallet will also be affected by the grind.

Using good tasting water: This is an important factor when it comes to brewing a terrific pot of coffee. If the water taste like minerals or chemicals, then the coffee won't taste as good as it should. It might taste too acidic, or it might have a strange taste to it. Many coffee purist only brew their pots of coffee with filtered, or with purified water. This way, they are getting the best water experience to brew their coffee beans with. No one wants the taste of impure water competing with their fine coffee beans.

A clean and high grade coffeemaker makes a difference. People will repeatedly brew coffee without thinking too much about how actually clean the pot the coffee is being made in is. Tap water might leave a lot of lime of calcium deposits in the actual coffee maker within the brewing compartment. This all can contribute to the ruination of the taste of the coffee. A coffee maker needs to be properly cleaned by way of running vinegar and water through it. Vinegar is definitely strong enough to eradicate lime and calcium deposits.

Filters: There are several types of filters, depending upon the type of grounds that are produced or purchased. There are wide filters for standard drip coffee makers. There are small cone paper filters, and there are metal filters that are reusable. The type of filter that will be used will depend upon the consumer. However, a reusable filter, or a paper filter made from unbleached paper does a great job at protecting the integrity of the coffee's taste.

When it comes to drinking a great cup of coffee, don't settle for the old, out of the pot, that's been sitting for hours coffee made with crummy pre-ground coffee. Buy great coffee beans, grind them yourself, use filtered water, and be sure to clean that coffeemaker.

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